Former Steeler and Color Analyst Craig Wolfley on football, Tunch Ilkin, and following hard after Jesus.

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Former Steeler and Color Analyst Craig Wolfley on football, Tunch Ilkin, and following hard after Jesus.
Job’s friends did not sit quietly drinking coffee with him. They believed that the tragedies Job was grieving and his afflicted body resulted from his sins. We have examined their counsel to Job—well, their insinuations and accusations. Now, we will explore the themes that emerge in Job’s responses.
Counselor Heidi Erickson on the mental and psychological dangers of pornography and how it impacts us today and in the future.
Arie Harel on his family’s tragedy and survival after the Holocaust and reading the story of Gideon to tank commanders during the Yom Kippur War in 1973.
Mike Tiland on prominent worldviews, the essence of a biblical worldview, dissecting the dichotomy of the sacred and secular, addressing faith and reason, and Taylor Swift.
Above all, Job loved God. He was upright and blameless, devoted to serving the Lord. He lived a disciplined life of integrity and was the spiritual leader for his large family. He was the most remarkable man in all the East. Then, one day, he lost everything.
Zophar listened to Job respond to Bildad’s second speech and became impatient. He is one of those people who would rather talk than listen. Do you know anyone like that? Zophar said, “My thoughts answer me, because of my haste within me.” He doesn’t listen while others talk. Instead, he thinks about his response and can’t wait to share it. Zophar also noted that he was insulted by Job’s remarks (Job 20:3).
In our study of Job, we have encountered harsh criticism from Job’s friends, Eliphaz and Bildad. Today, we meet Zophar, who essentially reiterates the other two friends’ sentiments.
Ron, I start every day listening to your daily devotion. It helps me start my day. I lost my husband in August of 2020 at the young age of 50, and your daily devotion has really helped me cope. Thank you and God Bless!