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John 6:51
I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.
I had a seminary professor who used to say, “If a little is good, a little more is better, and too much is just right.” That’s what the 5,000 people who had just enjoyed an all-you-can-eat miracle meal were thinking. So they tracked Jesus down the next day and said, “We’re hungry again!”
Jesus explained that his purpose was not to provide buffets but to give his body. He used the example of feeding to introduce himself as the “Bread of Life.” The real bread needed, Jesus said, is “the bread that I will give for the life of the world.”
With that statement, Jesus gave a future glimpse of the cross. On the cross, he would give his “flesh” for the sins of the world. Jesus said that anyone who believed in him as the perfect sacrifice and Life-Giver (i.e., “eats of this bread”) would “live forever.”
The things of this world will satisfy for a while. That’s exactly why worldly stuff presents such a danger. We can deceive ourselves into thinking the “next thing” will bring fulfillment. And it does…but only for a short time…and then we are off searching for the “next thing.” Sadly, many will live life searching for “bread and fish” and miss the Bread of Life. That’s a shame…an eternal shame.
Father, please introduce the hungry to the Bread of Life. And for each forgiven beggar, give us the opportunity to show another beggar this living bread. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Today’s Journey Message:
The Great Adventure of Prayer – Part 1
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