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How can we make our families strong—bulletproof—against the constant attacks from our culture? Well, for starters, strong families always start with strong marriages. So, let’s begin at the beginning.
Genesis 2:24
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Marriage has always been God’s idea. He created man and woman and placed them together in a garden. From their personalities to their body parts, he made them to complement each other. And God gave instructions for the relationship to work. Over the next few days, let’s consider God’s framework put forth in Genesis 2:24. Jesus repeats this passage in the Gospels and by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians.
The emotional connection between a husband and wife is primary. It takes priority over all relationships—whether family or friends. This does not mean that parents, extended family, and friends are dismissed or ignored. However, it does mean that these relationships take a backseat to the union of a husband and wife. Many marriages are in trouble today because a spouse has never truly left their mom and dad. Others have allowed close friendships to undermine the bond with their spouse. Here are some questions to consider as you meditate on this key verse for marriage.
Questions for married couples:
- Whose words carry more weight? Your spouse’s or your parents’?
- Do you spend more time dealing with extended family issues than nurturing your marriage?
- Would you rather be out with your friends or out with your spouse?
- Are you enjoying a little too much Facebook time with old friends?
Questions for young adults:
- Could you leave family and friends for this person?
- Do you think he/she would leave family and friends for you?
- Does he/she like hanging out with their friends more than you?
- Would he/she be willing to let you see all his/her Facebook interactions?
Father, help us be honest in our answers and wise in our steps to keep the relationship with our spouse (or future spouse) second only to our relationship with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.