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How can we make our families strong—bulletproof—against the constant attacks from our culture? Well, for starters, strong families always start with strong marriages. So, let’s begin at the beginning. This passage in Genesis is repeated by Jesus in the Gospels and Paul in his letter to the Ephesians.
Genesis 2:24
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Marriage is God’s idea. He created man and woman and put them together. God’s instructions for this relationship are found throughout the Bible, but here in Genesis, the foundation is laid. Over the past two days, we have considered what it means to “leave” our father and mother and be “united to” one’s spouse. So today, let’s consider the meaning of a one-flesh relationship.
- Spiritual Oneness: Growing together in your love for Christ.
- Emotional Oneness: Commitment to exclusive feelings.
- Physical Oneness: An exclusive intimate physical commitment.
- Missional Oneness: Going the same direction at the same time for the same reasons.
Questions for married couples:
- Do you pray and read Scripture together?
- Do you think about being with men/women other than your spouse?
- Do you satisfy each other physically?
- Are your lives headed in the same direction?
Questions for young adults:
- Has he(she) ever said to you, “Let’s pray and read Scripture together?”
- Can you see yourself with anyone besides him/her?
- Are you staying sexually pure? Is there pressure to have sex?
- Do you have common interests, desires, and passions about life?
Father, bind us together in a true one-flesh relationship. Harness our hearts as we commit ourselves to go the same way at the same time for the same reasons. In Jesus’ name. Amen.