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We are spending time this week considering God’s Word on sexuality. This is an area we need to address boldly from Scripture and live out biblically in our lives. As I mentioned yesterday, sex is one of the three major areas (along with communication and money) that blow up marriages. Understanding that sex is God’s idea and must be lived out according to his instruction is critical for building strong marriages.
Prior to the fall, Adam was in a perfect situation. He was living in the beauty of a paradise man cave. He had uninhibited communion with God. And yet … he was alone. Don’t miss the bigger truth—Adam’s aloneness was not a result of sin. God created him that way!
Genesis 2:18
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
After God had Adam name all the animals, emphasizing his aloneness, he caused him to fall into a deep sleep. God took from Adam’s side to create a woman…a “helper fit for him.” The word “helper” is not a second-class descriptor. The word is usually used to describe God himself. It describes a person who would complete the man. In essence, Adam was a part that needed another part to complete the whole.
Man and woman are designed by God to complete each other, to do together what they could never do alone. This completion is powerfully illustrated and experienced in sexual intimacy. Marital sex physically confirms and reaffirms the marriage commitment. God’s math of sex is this: 1 + 1 = 1.
Father, thank you for the gift of sex. May we always experience it in a way that honors you and our spouse. In Jesus’ name. Amen.