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In today’s passage, God goes big to explain the vision of marriage. The full vision has too often been shrunk to focus on the happiness and satisfaction of a husband and wife. Certainly, happiness and satisfaction are desired outcomes, but marriage is bigger than you and your happiness. Marriage is about God.
Genesis 2:18
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
Man’s aloneness did not fit into God’s ultimate plan. So, he made a “helper” (a word usually used to describe God) to complete the man. What the man lacked, the woman supplied, and what the woman lacked, the man supplied. Together they could do what they could never do alone. The complete vision of marriage is this: Bringing glory to God—together—in a way you could never do alone.
Marriage is bigger than you as an individual and you as a couple. Marriage is about more than your happiness. Marriage is about an adventure, a mission God has you on together. When you focus on your happiness…selfishness will damage or destroy your marriage. On the other hand, when you focus on pleasing God in your marriage and doing together what you can’t do by yourselves…you experience deep satisfaction. Obedience always satisfies.
Father, help us get a big vision of marriage. Help us to be about the mission you brought us together to accomplish. In Jesus’ name. Amen.