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Did you know that the first human being God created was incomplete? Adam was created with something missing. And, according to God, his incompleteness was not good.
Genesis 2:18
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
Everything that God created was good. In fact, God said his creation was “very good” (Gen 1:31). Everything was great, except this one thing—it was “not good that the man should be alone.” The creation of man was insufficient. By himself, man could not do all that God intended for humanity. The incomplete creation needed completion. The man needed a counterpart—a person like him and at the same time unlike him.
So, God created a woman—a “helper fit for him.” The word “helper” is not at all a demeaning description. In fact, the word “helper” is usually used to describe God himself. Man is lacking without God, and so man and woman are lacking without each other. Woman was, and is, God’s answer for man’s aloneness, his incompleteness. What the man lacked, the woman supplied, and what the woman lacked, the man supplied.
When God made a “helper” for the man, he made a woman; God created them, male and female. This is a big problem for the philosophical foundation of homosexuality. God did not create a man to complete the man. Therefore, relationship and intimacy in marriage is designed only for a man and woman.
We’ll keep this conversation going tomorrow.
Father, we must speak clearly regarding sin. Help us speak clearly and boldly in love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.