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It is important to understand that in the Old Testament, there are three strands of laws. These laws are essential for us to learn about God and find transferable principles. However, there is only one strand that never goes away. We could call them “The Sticking Laws.” Let’s check this out.
Leviticus 18:22
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
Many who argue for same-sex relationships from a biblical standpoint see a passage like today’s, roll their eyes, and say, “Yeah, this verse is right alongside others that say we shouldn’t mix different kinds of fabrics. The Old Testament is antiquated and contradictory.” So, how do you answer that reasoning? You who are wearing clothes with mixed fabric.
Let’s slow down and think this through. Let’s consider the three strands of laws recorded in the Old Testament.
The first strand of laws was the Civil Law. These laws were for the nation of Israel and included dietary rules, hygiene practices, business regulations, and laws governing interaction between neighbors. A second strand of laws addressed religious rituals. These were called the Ceremonial Laws and dealt with a worshiper’s responsibility regarding the sacrificial system.
These two strands of laws—the Civil and Ceremonial—ended with the coming of Christ. The Church is now made up of believers from many nations, each nation with its own set of civil and religious laws. The head of the Church, Jesus, became our perfect sacrifice. Today, we don’t sacrifice animals for our sins because Jesus became our one-time-for-all-time sacrifice when he died on the cross.
A third strand of laws remains—the Moral Law. These laws, given in the Old Testament, extend through time. Moral laws, summed up in the Ten Commandments, are restated and emphasized again in the New Testament. God’s standards for marriage and sexuality are found in the Moral Law. Yes, we can mix different kinds of fabric today, but we can’t mix the message of marriage. The creation design continues as part of the Moral Law—one man and one woman for life.
Father, we must speak clearly regarding sin. Help us speak clearly and boldly in love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.