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When I understand that God is on my side, fear and dread are driven away. We all want to live with a “God on my side” confidence. And we want our children to do the same. This week we are using Psalm 118 as our guide to praying for our children. Let’s pray they will know and experience this promise that God is always on their side.
Psalm 118:6-7
The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? The Lord is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.
Left to ourselves, we are defenseless, fearful, and alone. There is no protection in sight. But then we open our spiritual eyes to see the One standing right beside us, and he is always standing by our side. He drives away fear. He protects us. He is always “my helper.”
Heavenly Father,
Please be with (name your children). Help them know that you are with them. Allow them to feel the comfort of your presence. Give them the assurance that you are on their side. Let them know that whatever is standing in their way is no match for you.
Take away their fear. Help them cast all their anxiety on you. Give them the strength to heave it on you like a farmer throws a heavy sack of grain into the bed of his pickup truck. Remind them that you are the Defeater of every enemy, even the last enemy. Meet them in the classroom…dorm room…office…hospital room. Calm the beating of their heart. Quiet their soul in your presence.
In Jesus’ name.