Actions speak louder than words. It matters how we conduct ourselves within the walls of our homes. It matters how we do marriage and how we parent our children. It matters how we interact with neighbors. It matters how we drive on the roads, respond to an overworked store employee, and coach little league teams. It matters how we treat work associates. It matters that we put in an honest day’s work for our wages. These things matter to the people in our lives and those we interact with every day. Today’s passage reminds us that others are watching closely.
1 Peter 2:12
Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.
The world is watching you. They want to see if your faith works in real life. Who doesn’t appreciate a faithful spouse, a loving parent, or a good neighbor? Who has a problem with a friendly driver? Who can criticize a person who is courteous to a cashier on their second job or second shift? Who doesn’t want a little league coach who has the best interest of their son/daughter at heart? Who knows how God may use our interactions to bring others to himself!
The phrase “on the day of visitation” has a few different interpretations, but most believe this refers to the day God brings eternal salvation to a person’s life. When God rescues and transforms you, others get to see the work of God in your life. What an amazing truth! What an amazing privilege! Think about that the next time you are in a hurry at the check-out… or driving down the highway… or coaching the team…or….
Father, remind us that all our life—words and actions—matter. Use this truth to motivate us to do good deeds. And use our words and actions to bring people to yourself. In Jesus’ name. Amen.