William Borden was a young man who had a passion to make an impact for Jesus. When God called him to ministry in China, he never hesitated. Borden was from a wealthy and privileged family and graduated from Yale University and Princeton Seminary. His friends thought he was crazy to waste his life overseas. But Borden heeded the call and headed for China, never looking back.
Borden’s first stop was Egypt for language training. Unfortunately, he never left there. He contracted cerebral meningitis and died at the age of 25. It has been written that as he lay dying, a friend came to visit. Borden was too weak to talk, so he took a piece of paper and scratched out these six words as somewhat of an epitaph. These words were also found in the back of his Bible: NO RESERVES. NO RETREATS. NO REGRETS.
Following Jesus is living with no reserves, no retreats, no regrets. Not everyone is willing to make that sacrifice. In Luke 9, three men come to Jesus and say they desire to follow him. Here is the story of the third man.
Luke 9:61-62
Yet another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
The man in today’s passage was not quite as intent on following Jesus as William Borden. He had things he needed to tend to. He wanted to follow, but only on his terms and his timing. Jesus said that those who follow him must do so on his terms. They must follow with no reserves, no retreats, and no regrets.
Father, help me follow you on your terms, not mine. Help me be willing to follow you in your timing, not mine. In Jesus’ name. Amen.