Do you know anyone named Daniel? The name Daniel means “God has judged” or “God is my judge.” In the Old Testament, there is a man named Daniel, and his vision about seeing God as the judge of the whole world is recorded in Daniel 7:9-10; here’s what the prophet saw.
Daniel 7:9-10
As I looked, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat; his clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was fiery flames; its wheels were burning fire. A stream of fire issued and came out from before him; a thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him; the court sat in judgment, and the books were opened.
The Ancient of Days is a name given to God that describes his eternality. There has never been a time when he was not; there will never be a time when he is not. The name also describes his sovereign control. God has authority over all people and all nations. In this passage, his white hair and clothing represent his purity and holiness. The flaming throne describes his glory. The thousands of servants are angels, poised to carry out his will.
Later in Daniel’s vision, “one like a son of man” approached the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:13-15). This is a title for Jesus we will consider later. Jesus was given authority, glory, and sovereign power. All the people worshiped him, and he established an everlasting dominion that will never be conquered. The Ancient of Days is One you can trust today, tomorrow, and forever.
I acknowledge you as the Ancient of Days. You are eternal. You are sovereign. You hold authority over all things for all time. I can trust you with my life, my family, my job, and my relationships. I can trust you today and with all my tomorrows.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.