Daily Devotion


Road Rules: Right Plans

by | Jul 7, 2024 | Daily Devotion, Road Rules | 0 comments

Plans are like nouns; they involve people, places, and things. Our personal plans always impact others. The time spent carrying out a plan means time away from people in your life. The money invested in a plan leaves a smaller amount to invest in other things. The energy you put into one thing means less energy for something else. Today’s passage says it this way:

Proverbs 12:5
The thoughts of the righteous are just; the counsels of the wicked are deceitful.

Here’s my point and, I believe, the point of the proverb. The righteous make certain that their plans are fair to everyone in their life. Significant sacrifices are not forced on others. No one is ignored while you move forward with your plan. No one is left behind while you move ahead. No one is penalized while you are promoted.

The wicked don’t care about others. Their self-deceit spreads to all who surround them. They don’t step ahead with others; they step on others to get ahead.

The wisdom in today’s proverb is straightforward and simple. Make plans that are fair to everyone in your life because your plan will impact everyone in your life.

Father, give us eyes that see beyond our own selfish hearts. Help us see the immediate and future impact our decisions will have on others.
In Christ’s name.


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