One problem with the consequences of sin is that you never know when the consequences will show up. The apostle Paul says that the sins of some people are clear and evident, “going before them to judgment” while “the sins of others appear later” (1 Timothy 5:24). But whether the consequences of sin show up now or later, make no mistake, “your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).
Here’s how the proverbs describe the security of obedience and the danger of “crooked paths.”
Proverbs 10:9 (NIV)
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.
The problem with those “crooked paths.” You can get by for a while. You can stay out of sight for a time. You can even fool yourself into thinking you’re “safe,” and no one will find out. But sooner or later, the light shines through, and there you are…exposed…caught…no place to run or hide. As I write this, two well-known Christian leaders have resigned from their churches due to sins in the past, one for sins committed over forty years ago.
The beauty of walking “securely” is that you don’t have to worry about slipping up or being found out. You don’t have to fear that others will find out about the “other you.” Please don’t misunderstand. Integrity does not mean perfection. Let’s be honest: We all have sin in our past that we are certainly not proud of. But, by God’s grace, integrity paves our paths with a pattern of obedience to God that is demonstrated in all the areas of our lives.
So, deal with your sin. Confess it to God. Confess it to others. Decide to leave the crooked path and walk securely in integrity. If you don’t . . . if you continue down the crooked path . . . sooner or later . . . well . . . you know what’s going to happen . . . and it isn’t going be pretty.
Father, open our eyes so that we can see the path we’re on. Open our ears so we can hear your voice of confirmation or warning. Open our hearts to care enough to change direction if needed. Remind us that all of life is uncovered and laid bare before your eyes. Never let us forget that one day we will give an accounting to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.