Daily Devotion


Road Rules: Holding Back

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Daily Devotion, Road Rules | 1 comment

Let’s face it—we all get angry. When I get cut off by another driver, I’m sorry, but I don’t feel like praying for them. When someone does something to hurt my family, I am ready to take them on. When I hear, “Your call is important to us. Stay on the line. The next available representative will be with you shortly,” I do not enjoy the music while I’m waiting. I could go on and on and on….

Our passage today provides the spiritual road rules regarding anger. Here it is.

Proverbs 29:11
A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.

Things will happen that cause my blood to boil. If I let those emotions take over…if I give full vent to my anger…I am, at that moment, a fool. On the other hand, if during my blood boiling time, I keep my emotions under control, I am, at that moment, conducting myself as a wise person.

I do not and cannot live in a bubble. This is the real world. Things will happen that make me angry. But here is the question: Will I control my anger, or will my anger control me?

Father, please help us submit to the control of your Spirit in all things. When I get angry, powerfully remind me to give it to you. In Christ’s name. Amen.

1 Comment

  1. Christine Muehlbauer

    Thank you for these daily devos Pastor Moore. I listen/read them every single day (for about 3 years now). Your daily devos guide me to dig into God’s word. I thank God for your daily devos.


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