I just finished recording a podcast with three individuals who have a unique relationship. God put them in the same neighborhood. They have children similar in age. They study the Bible together. They watch each other’s kids and take care of practical needs. They are going through all the stuff of life.
One person had twins with health issues—one son was stillborn, and one miraculously lived for seven-and-a-half years. Her two friends walked through the times of joy and the deep valleys with her. She learned about God’s love from them; they learned more about trusting God when life doesn’t make sense. They have laughed together and cried together. God has used them to sharpen each other.
The proverb says it this way:
Proverbs 27:17
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
The Christian life was never meant to be lived alone. We were made to need others. God puts people in our lives to challenge, encourage, pray, and sometimes just sit silently with us. God is looking for people willing to walk alongside another person and sharpen them.
So, two things:
- Ask God to bring an iron-sharpening friend into your life. God wants to use today to prepare you for tomorrow, and godly friends are invaluable in that process.
- Be an iron-sharpening friend. Let God know you are available and ready to invest in the sharpening process. Ask him to put you with the right person at the right time, and then follow his lead.
Surround me with those who sharpen me and help me mature and grow. Help me to be a person who sharpens others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.