Daily Devotion


Refuge: Where is God in My Grief?

by | Sep 15, 2024 | Daily Devotion, Refuge | 0 comments

Maybe you have lost a loved one. Maybe you have lost your health. Maybe you have relocated and left good friends behind. Maybe the love of your life has left you behind. Grief is our response to the many different forms of loss. While it feels foreign, it is normal and expected. Moving through mourning is a process that can only progress when our eyes are on the Lord.

Look around you and see the work of God. He provides the needed water for plants, crops, and flowers, highlighting the countryside. If he cares that much for the plants, consider how much more he cares for you! Here is how this truth is explained in the Old Testament book of Job

Job 5:10-11
He gives rain for the earth and water for the fields. He gives prosperity to the poor and protects those who suffer.

Grief is natural, but God responds to us in a supernatural way. He never leaves us alone. He never abandons us. He gives us what we need right when we need it. He meets us right where we are but doesn’t leave us there. He reaches down to those feeling low and lifts them up. He embraces those who are mourning and takes them to safety. Look up! He is reaching out to you!

Father, someone reading this is very low. Please lift them up. Someone else reading this is in the pit of grief. Please lift them to safety. Please do your supernatural work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Additional Resources

Purchase the entire book of Refuge Devotions here: REFUGE DEVOTIONAL BOOK


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