Daily Devotion


Seeing the Light

by | Sep 30, 2019 | Daily Devotion, Gospels | 0 comments

John 12:44-46

Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”

Spiritual darkness—a state of being accompanied by hardness of heart. It is a place that blocks out the eternal regions of the soul while allowing access to the temporal.

Spiritual darkness—a state of being accompanied by hardness of heart. It is a place that revels in trivial things while refusing to consider meaningful matters.

Spiritual darkness—a state of being accompanied by hardness of heart. It rolls in like a thick fog, blocking out the future and forcing our eyes on the present.

Spiritual darkness—a state of being accompanied by hardness of heart. It relishes the praises of people rather than the praises of God.

Spiritual darkness—a state of being accompanied by hardness of heart. It serves no God except the god of self.

Spiritual darkness—a state of being accompanied by hardness of heart. It keeps a person in the dark until their eyes are opened wide at the brink of eternity. 

Spiritual darkness—a state of being accompanied by hardness of heart. There is only one remedy. His name is Jesus. He came into the world as the light. He is the only One who can soften the heart and expel the darkness.

Lord Jesus, I am tired of the spiritual darkness. I am done with stumbling and falling in the night. Soften my hardened heart. Open my blinded eyes. Allow me to see You, call out to You, and follow You. In Your name. Amen.



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