Daily Devotion


All I Want for Christmas: Joy

by | Dec 9, 2022 | All I Want for Christmas, Daily Devotion | 0 comments

Luke 2:11
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

The Bible says we are sinners; our sin separates us from God. On our best day, with our best efforts, we fall short of God’s holy standard. Try as we might, we cannot work our way to heaven. On our own, we cannot bridge the gap between us and the holy God. 

And the news gets worse. The Bible says that because of our sin, we deserve to die. Not just physical death but spiritual death, separation from God for eternity. The Bible calls that state of eternal separation hell—and makes no apologies. God does not sugarcoat the truth. Left to ourselves, we will spend eternity separated from God forever in hell. I know, that’s not a part of the Christmas story we like to think about. But God sent his Son as the eternal remedy.  

We were in trouble. God sent his Son! We needed help. God sent a Savior! We needed someone to take care of sin’s penalty. God sent a perfect Substitute! We needed deliverance from sin. God sent a Redeemer! We needed forgiveness. God sent a Justifier! We needed to be cleansed. God sent the Righteous One to clothe us with his sinless life! 

For the joy set before him, Jesus took on the cross for us (Hebrews 12:1-2). Christ the Lord is the One, the only One, who delivers true joy to the deepest part of our hearts. 

Lord Jesus, thank you for coming to this earth to save the lost. Thank you for becoming our substitute on the cross. Thank you that by trusting in your finished work, our debt is paid. You are Christ the Lord! We pray in your name. Amen. 

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