What causes us to sin? Is it our environment? Does it have to do with our family of origin? Is it in our genes? Let’s consider these questions as we look at our passage today.
Genesis 3:6
So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.
The first temptation took place in the garden of Eden—a perfect environment graciously planted by a loving Creator. The man and woman living in the garden were perfectly created without any genetic abnormality that would entice them to sin. God created Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into him. Eve was created from Adam’s side. Any issues regarding family of origin passed down from parents were non-existent. Adam and Eve were perfect creations made by a perfect Creator living in perfect surroundings.
But all that begs a question. Perfect people with perfect backgrounds living in a perfect environment chose to rebel? How did that happen?
God made man and woman in his image. Created in his image, they had the capacity to love, have relationships, and make decisions. He did not create Adam and Eve as robots destined to do whatever he programmed. Love cannot be forced or manufactured. God made Adam and Eve with the freedom to love or reject him. God can either make sin impossible, or he can make man free. He can’t do both. Man cannot be free to choose but have no choice to make. The loving God desires that man chooses to love him.
Today, we don’t live in a sinless environment, but God still gives us a choice. We can obey God or disobey him. We can walk near him or at a distance. A loving relationship involves a gracious choice. And God gives us everything we need to follow his instructions and find true significance and satisfaction. Every day, we face the temptation that took place in the garden. Will we choose God’s way or follow the desires of our heart?
We know that your way is always best for us. Your way allows us to truly be satisfied and content. Your way leads us into a deep relationship with you, and we can experience your love. As we stand at the crossroads during this day, help us always choose you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.