A Biblical View of Sexuality

Everywhere we look, we see evidence of how sex-saturated our society has become. Whether it is in television shows and movies, on billboards, or at the mall—one thing is for sure: our culture doesn’t hesitate to put sexuality and sexual topics in front of us.
But what about the church? Far too often, the church remains uncomfortably silent about sexuality. Parents are too squeamish to talk to their kids about purity, men and women who desperately need accountability keep their sexual struggles to themselves, and the church often avoids these issues. But because God created us, and created sex as part of the package, we have to talk about sexuality. We need to know what God has to say about sex and how we can apply those truths to our lives. That is the goal of this book.
Contact Karen Helbling, khelbling@biblechapel.org or 724-941-8990.