Daily Devotion



Past Devo Series

The King’s Presence

The King’s Presence

Merry Christmas! Christ in you, the hope of glory. That’s how Paul describes believers. But sometimes you wonder about that. Sometimes it seems your old nature has pushed God out of your life. Ron Moore has some good news. It comes in the form of four truths that...

The King’s Humility

The King’s Humility

The One who created the world with just a word entered that world through a humble birth, to humble parents, as a humble baby. Was it a weakness in the face of his rebellious creatures that determined this meek arrival?  Or was it a power greater than creation? That’s...

The King’s Message

The King’s Message

You have a message to share, handed down by your sovereign.  But it isn’t popular, just as it wasn’t in the days of the King.  So, what do you do with it? As Ron Moore is about to explain, you take your cues from the author of the message. .

The King’s Arrival

The King’s Arrival

Imagine you’re a king promising to share the table of your subjects. But when you finally arrive their houses are dilapidated, dirty, and desperately messy. Ron Moore is coming to look at such a situation and the King of Heaven’s gracious response. .

Zechariah’s Song

Zechariah’s Song

At the first Advent, John the Baptist was chosen by God to be the “voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord.” So, who is God calling to prepare the way for Christ’s second coming? Ron Moore shares the answer to that question in this...

His Name is John

His Name is John

Who are you? In a broken and desperate world, where do you fit? What purpose do you serve? Today Ron Moore shares three principles that will give you purpose, direction, and meaning. Learn them well and they’ll change your life for good.

Mary’s Song

Mary’s Song

How do you respond when God asks you to do something difficult? Something that could alienate your closest friends. Something that could alter your life forever. For biblical insight, today Ron Moore shares the story of one remarkable woman who was asked by God to...

Angelic Proclamation

Angelic Proclamation

What does it mean to know Jesus? What is it to accept Him on His terms? What must our attitude be as we welcome Him into our lives? Ron Moore is here to answer those questions. He’ll do that with a look at one person’s response to the announcement of the first...

Preparing Our Hearts

Preparing Our Hearts

It was a still, silent night when the light began to shine in one man’s darkened heart. It was the night that gave him, and us, some of the most treasured words found in scripture. In this broadcast, Ron Moore takes you to a secret place, there to ponder those words...

Preparing His Son

Preparing His Son

The road from Heaven’s glory to Christ’s birth to Calvary’s Cross and on to victorious resurrection was paved in shame and heartache. On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore leads us down the broken path Jesus walked when he came to make us whole.  It’s a story prophesied...

Preparing His People

Preparing His People

The first Christmas was planned well before Mary was with child. The reason for that birth was decided long before Calvary’s Cross. In this half-hour, Ron Moore examines the first whisper of those events and the tragic Good News it foreshadowed. .

Preparing the World

Preparing the World

The world does not wander from event to happenstance event.  There are purpose and direction in its history.  Language, culture, and political power must all bend the knee to a sovereign God. Today Ron Moore looks at that glad reality as he recounts the timing, place,...

Past Devo Series