Daily Devotion



Past Devo Series

A Time to Reflect

A Time to Reflect

God’s Word is a mirror to your soul and a light to your life. Join King David as he turns on a light and encourages you to take a closer look at your own reflection.

Twas the Day After Christmas

Twas the Day After Christmas

Believers are a divine poem and painting…created for a world desperate to hear beautiful words and longing to see God’s handiwork. Ron Moore describes a masterpiece and urges you to live in its light.

The King’s Invitation

The King’s Invitation

The invitation was so important that it had to be hand-delivered.  God was not content with a mass-mailing…this was personal.  So personal that even if one were lost, the Savior would find you and bring you home. Today Ron Moore tells the story of that invitation,...

Christmas Is All In The Heart

Christmas Is All In The Heart

Christmas is all in the heart. It’s not about expensive gifts or long wish lists. It’s not about shopping malls that stay open until midnight or paying for express mail service to make certain that packages arrive in time for relatives who live far away. Christmas may...

A Broken and Messy World

A Broken and Messy World

Today many people are living in fear. For some, the fear was brought on by post-election disappointment or disillusionment. Some are filled with anxiety as cable news commentators proclaim that our country is near economic collapse. Some are terrified at the news...

Hospitality: More than Dinner and Dessert

Hospitality: More than Dinner and Dessert

When you hear the word “hospitality” it is often in terms of a person having people over for dinner capped off with coffee and dessert. That’s a great thing to do, but biblical hospitality goes much deeper. Someone has well said: Hospitality is not having someone into...



“Why am I here?” It’s the bracing question that lurks around the edges of our consciousness, sometimes charging into the open with a challenge we struggle to meet. We'll consider biblical insights that will help you confidently face the reason for your being and how...



Your life is an asset…a resource provided by your Creator.  How will you spend that life and all that goes with it?  How much will you return to God and how much will you keep? Let's look at four foundational investment principles and their application in the life of...



Ours is a historic faith.  As Paul said to King Festus, regarding the resurrection:  “What I am saying is true and reasonable…it was not done in a corner.” Ron Moore explores our faith and offers a firm foundation for belief.



It’s more trustworthy than tomorrow’s dawn, more certain than Earth’s gravity.  It’s the promise Jesus made to believers: “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Ron Moore shares a promise from Jesus and tells us what you could do to make it null and...



For those who believe, an eternal indictment has been satisfied.  Every transgression has been expunged—the document tossed into the deepest sea. And with that justification, God has freed himself to welcome us home. Ron Moore recounts great, good news and its ongoing...



When does retreat mean victory?  How can you know when you’re heading in the right direction?  And what will it look like when you reach the objective?

Past Devo Series