Download What does it mean to know Jesus? What is it to accept Him on His terms? What must our attitude be as we welcome Him into our lives? Ron Moore is here to answer those questions. He’ll do that with a look at one person’s response to the announcement of the...
Daily Message
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Real Love
Download Love is a verb. To be truly expressed it requires action on the lover’s part. God demonstrated that kind of action with his son’s incarnation. Now He wants us to act in-kind. Today Ron Moore points us to a woman who lived that love for God and others. In her...
Real Peace
Download Chaos, fear, and conflict seem to rule the headlines and our daily lives. But that’s not new. It was the experience of Israel just before our calendars changed forever. Then peace dawned, not in the political or social systems but in a lowly Bethlehem manger....
Following with the Right Connection
Download Those plump, juicy grapes delivered to your supermarket each week are the result of a healthy connection to proven vine branches. So it is in the fields of the Lord. A harvest of spiritual fruit provides a reunion with eternal life. Today, Ron Moore assists...
CHANGED: Resolved to Stand Alone
Download The first Christian martyr demonstrated that life is only worth living if what you have is worth dying for. And so, Stephen did both. He found a life worth living in Christ and was stoned to death for his faith. Today Ron Moore challenges us to live as...
CHANGED: Committed to Share
Download When radical, life-giving change transforms our hearts we’re commissioned to tell others about it. It is the unparalleled privilege of being God’s witnesses on Earth. And it’s our purpose in this great adventure. Today Ron Moore shows us, from the life of...