Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Engaging in Genesis: The Powerful and Personal God

Engaging in Genesis: The Powerful and Personal God

Tiny hands waving about uncontrollably. A shrill cry piercing the damp air of a borrowed cave. A mother’s peaceful smile. A mysterious smile on the face of her husband, who helped deliver a miracle. And the Word became flesh: God confined to an infant.

Family Strong

Family Strong

There are three major areas that can blow up a marriage: Issues with communication, sex, and money. Let’s spend time this week focusing on what God says about sex.

Ecclesiastes: Pleasure – Post Test

Ecclesiastes: Pleasure – Post Test

Hedonism, mentioned earlier in our study through Ecclesiastes, is a philosophy of life motivated by the desire for pleasure. Hedonism believes that satisfying one’s desires is the highest good and aim of humanity. Hedonism is a life that sprints toward self-gratification. As the old beer commercial said, “You only go around once in life, so grab for all the gusto you can get.”