Do you believe that every marriage is made in heaven? I do! God brings a man and woman together so they can do things they could never do alone. And it all started with Adam and Eve.
Daily Devotion
Family Strong: Going Big
In today’s passage, God goes big to explain the vision of marriage. The full vision has too often been shrunk to focus on the happiness and satisfaction of a husband and wife. Certainly, happiness and satisfaction are desired outcomes, but marriage is bigger than you and your happiness. Marriage is about God.
Family Strong
Teaching sexuality is, first and foremost, a family’s responsibility. Yesterday we considered how a family protects and honors their children who remain pure. But what does the family do when a child gives in to temptation?
Family Strong
Teaching sexuality is, first and foremost, a family’s responsibility. It cannot be delegated or abdicated. It is the responsibility of the two people who brought the child into the world by the act of sex to teach about sex through appropriate words, faithfulness, and commitment to marriage.
Family Strong
Sex is God’s idea. It was created and ordained by him. So, it’s not culture but God’s Word that gives us the guidelines for marital sex. Here are some important instructions for husbands and wives from the Proverbs.
Family Strong
Sex is both mutually satisfying and mutually submissive. The husband and wife are to “yield” to each other. There is nothing more frustrating to a man than to save himself for his wife only to be rejected. And there is nothing more frustrating to a wife than to be committed to her husband only to feel used.
Family Strong
In the movie Vanilla Sky, a couple has been sleeping together, and now the guy wants out of the relationship. He’s ready to move on to a new partner. The woman is hurt and angry. In her response, she makes a great theological statement.
Family Strong
We are spending time this week considering God’s Word on sexuality. This is an area we need to address boldly from Scripture and live out biblically in our lives.
Family Strong
There are three major areas that can blow up a marriage: Issues with communication, sex, and money. Let’s spend time this week focusing on what God says about sex.
Family Strong
Parents, we must teach our children the truths of Scripture, and we must confirm the truths of Scripture by our actions. The spiritual education and development of our children is on us … a weighty responsibility that cannot be delegated.
Family Strong
Yesterday we focused on the assignment that God gives every husband. And we emphasized that it is a very tall order! Every husband is to love his wife just as Christ loved the church. Today we’ll focus on the biblical instruction for wives from Ephesians 5. Let’s be receptive to understanding what is truly expected.
Family Strong
Building a strong family begins with strong marriages. Husbands, today’s passage is for you. I will warn you; this passage presents a tall task. And yet, this is the biblical model for every husband and father.