The wealthy young man we have been considering over the last few days wanted eternal life but wanted to live life his way until the time came for him to die. Today’s passage records his response to Jesus’ call for a fresh start.
Daily Devotion
Fresh Start: The Heart
Over the last few days, we have been following a man who was concerned about his soul. He was young and wealthy and claimed he had kept all the commandments since he was a boy. Now, Jesus calls his bluff.
Fresh Start: Breaking the Chains
What do you have to do to become a Christian? What do you have to do to stay a Christian? Will God’s love still be there if you don’t clean up your act? Is a relationship with God on-again-off-again depending on your behavior?
Fresh Start: More Than a Good Teacher
For the next few days, let’s consider the story of a man who needs no introduction. Well, at least not in the time and town where he lived. Our story is about a young man with a lot of money. But this rich young man was contemplating mortality. Makes you wonder why. Maybe a young friend had died, and he had come face to face with death. Maybe he had had a near-death experience. For whatever reason, the man ran up to Jesus and fell on his knees before the Lord. The man wanted a fresh start.
Fresh Start: Living Sacrifice
In the Old Testament, those who worshiped God participated in animal sacrifice. The believer took their sacrifice to the temple, put the animal to death, and placed its body on the altar to be consumed in the fire. Because of their sin, the worshiper should have been the one who died. But God, in his great mercy, allowed the animal to die in place of the believer. culminated
Fresh Start: By the Grace of God
So, you want a fresh start but don’t think you deserve one? You feel unworthy to be a follower of Jesus. You wonder why he would want you on his team. You are ashamed of your past. You have a history of messes. You feel the heavy weight of guilt for the hurt you have caused. Well, let me introduce you to the apostle Paul and offer you a fresh start.
Fresh Start: Follow Me
A fresh start gives us the opportunity to follow Jesus in a new and meaningful way. So, what does that new and meaningful way look like? Here’s how Jesus explained it.
Fresh Start: Making a Break
Sometimes, a fresh start calls for leaving behind the things that were our identity. That’s what happened to a man Jesus called from a tax booth.
Fresh Start: Come and See
Many people are confused about Jesus. Many people speak of him in different ways. In today’s passage, we are invited to a fresh start. We are asked to come and see for ourselves who Jesus really is.
Fresh Start: Ending a Spiritual Slump
Have you ever experienced a spiritual slump? Not much to show for your walk with God? Feeling distanced and disconnected from God? Feeling like everything is up to you…to fix, get on track, and make things right. Today’s passage is about fishermen in a fishing slump, but the lessons are for our spiritual lives.
Fresh Start: On the Rock
When we began construction on our first church building, my friend Al and I met every Monday morning to evaluate the progress. I was never happy with what had been accomplished. One day, Al got fed up with my whining. He walked me over to where the foundation was being dug and said, “Ron, I know they are digging down instead of building up. But if they don’t dig deep and build this building on a solid foundation, whatever is above ground will crack and crumble. Be patient. Digging deep to ensure a solid foundation is the most important part of this project.”
Fresh Start: Taking Hold of Life
Wouldn’t you like to have a fresh start with your finances? A clean slate on your debt? A full folder of generous giving? Less anxiety about the whole issue of money? Check out today’s passage.