Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Power in the Psalms: Stronghold

Power in the Psalms: Stronghold

The prophet Samuel had anointed David as the new king of Israel. However, Saul, the reigning king, did not accept the coronation. He was obsessed with killing the competition. Saul and his elite soldiers chased David around the countryside. After a close call, David wrote the words in today’s passage thanking God for delivering him.

Road Rules: Friendship

Road Rules: Friendship

I just finished recording a podcast with three individuals who have a unique relationship. God put them in the same neighborhood. They have children similar in age. They study the Bible together. They watch each other’s kids and take care of practical needs. They are going through all the stuff of life.

Road Rules: Maker of Them All

Road Rules: Maker of Them All

One day, we will stand before the Lord to give an account. In the end, only one thing matters for the rich and the poor. The issue will be where each one of us stands with Jesus.

Road Rules: Trust

Road Rules: Trust

In the psalms, King David wrote, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses….” It’s easy to get caught up in false security, isn’t it? Allowing careers to give us identity. Allowing retirement plans to give us security. Allowing investments to make us feel good about the future. Allowing where we live or what we drive to make us feel significant. Allowing our “chariots” and “horses” to make us feel safe and protected. For the believer, though, things must be different.

Road Rules: God’s Sovereignty

Road Rules: God’s Sovereignty

Sovereignty is an attribute of God that provides confidence. Sovereignty confirms that God is in control. Sovereignty describes the exercise of God’s power over all creation. God rules over every life and in all of history. He “works out everything for its purpose.” That’s what today’s proverb tells us.

Road Rules: Your Plans. God’s Plans.

Road Rules: Your Plans. God’s Plans.

The proverbs are statements of truth, but admittedly, they can seem formulaic. A surface reading of today’s passage may lead one to mistakenly conclude: “Cool! I just tell God what I want to do, and he will make it happen.” Not quite the Author’s intent.