Daily Devotion


Fresh Start

Past Devo Series

Fresh Start: Established in the Faith

Fresh Start: Established in the Faith

It was called a Topsy Turvy, an incredible hanging planter that promised to grow big red tomatoes upside down. My son bought it for me, and I couldn’t wait to see tomatoes growing from the apparatus hung on our porch.

Fresh Start: Filled with the Fullness of God

Fresh Start: Filled with the Fullness of God

I am writing this devo from a packed airplane. It was snowing, windy, and cold when we took off, but we’ll land in seventy-degree weather. After speaking at a church, I’ll get back on a plane and return to the cold. Life is a bit like my travels over the next couple of days. Some circumstances bring the blowing cold; others bring the warm sunshine.

Fresh Start: Meeting God

Fresh Start: Meeting God

Fresh starts come with each sunrise. They are not carried over from the day before. Remember the manna process in the Old Testament. The Israelites could only collect a day’s worth; the next day, they went back for more. That’s how it is with fresh starts. And our “manna” is God’s Word.

Fresh Start: Streams of Water

Fresh Start: Streams of Water

Are you ready for a fresh start? A new beginning? A clean slate? Yesterday is over. Can’t get it back. There are no do-overs. Today is new and full of potential.

Past Devo Series