Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Road Rules: Finding Faithfulness

Road Rules: Finding Faithfulness

Talk is cheap. More promises are made than are kept. Ever heard “for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part”? These words are said before God and witnesses, but only about half the couples who take this solemn pledge honor it. Unfortunately, we are prone to make promises we can’t or don’t keep.

Road Rules: Steadfast Love

Road Rules: Steadfast Love

The first part of this proverb uses two words (love and faithfulness) to describe the basis of security. Chesed describes a “loyal love,” a love of commitment and dedication. Emeth describes what is trustworthy and true. While our passage today specifically addresses an earthly kingdom, these two words convey the strong meaning of a faithful love often used to describe the covenant between God and his people.

Road Rules: Kindness

Road Rules: Kindness

The word “kind” in today’s proverb is translated from the Hebrew word chesed. It is sometimes translated as “love,” “lovingkindness,” or even “loyal love.” Chesed is a rich theological word, and…it is also very practical.

Road Rules: Pursue Righteousness

Road Rules: Pursue Righteousness

Do you want to live a life with deep meaning? Do you want to be rich in the things that count? Do you desire to be respected by others? Today’s passage presents the formula—chase after right living and demonstrate kindness. It’s that simple and that profound!

Road Rules: Giving

Road Rules: Giving

God’s Word has a lot to say about money. And Proverbs addresses the subject often. Let’s read today’s proverb, and then I will give ten ways to evaluate your giving to God’s work.

Road Rules: Father Knows Best

Road Rules: Father Knows Best

We really think we do know best, don’t we? I evaluate happenings based on my experience. I assess my communication based on my perspective. I judge decisions on how they will impact me and mine. My personal appraisal of life leads me to believe that I am the possessor of wisdom and that everybody else should get in line behind me. Now that’s a problem, isn’t it?