Yearly Devotions


Journey Through The Gospels

Second Chances

Second Chances

Jesus always provides another chance. God has not written you off. He has not cast you aside. Your failure is not final. While you must acknowledge and repent of your sin, Jesus waits with open arms to welcome you back, reinstate you, and use you.

Believing Without Seeing

Believing Without Seeing

Jesus blesses the faithful. In the words of the writer to the Hebrews, Jesus commends those who are sure of what they hope for and certain of what they don’t see. Some of these faithful were men and women who lived before Jesus. People like Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Rahab. They lived by faith even though the Gift had not been unwrapped.

He is Risen Indeed!

He is Risen Indeed!

Today many live in a darkened world, leading lives of fear, confusion, discontentment, and despair. Searching for meaning and significance in all the wrong places. Occupying themselves with busy days. Losing sleep over things that matter little. Losing time over things that matter most.

The Resurrected Lord

The Resurrected Lord

Are your emotions bouncing off the wall? Are all the sounds distracting you? Is the hurried pace isolating you from others? Are you visually exhausted? Close your eyes. Jesus is alive. The resurrected Lord is here. Listen to His voice.



Why would a man who claimed to be God’s Son remain silent before human authorities? How could one who resisted the temptations of Satan submit to the torment of soldiers? How could a man speak with such power and now refuse to register a defense? Why would a man who walked on water march to His death without a fight? How could a man who raised the dead…die?

Surely He was the Son of God

Surely He was the Son of God

Today, for all who trust in the work of Christ to bring them into a personal relationship with God, that same power exists. Have you trusted in Jesus as the one who made the way to God?