Daily Devotion



Past Devo Series

True Freedom

True Freedom

Let’s not become so accustomed to sin in our lives and the sin around us that we allow the music of grace to whistle through our skulls without taking our breath away.

Set Free

Set Free

When we “know (and obey) the truth,” we will find the freedom in Christ we have been looking for.



Thankfully Jesus is very clear about who he is, who we are, what we need to do to have a relationship with him, and where we will spend eternity based on that decision.

The Light

The Light

Jesus really does change everything.

Our Part

Our Part

Following Jesus is not a spectator sport. Look around you. And get involved in the work of the Lord in the lives of others.

But, Lord

But, Lord

Jesus does amazing things. Trust him, and he will turn things that stinketh into things that shine for his glory.

Our High Priest

Our High Priest

I don’t know what you are going through today, but Jesus does. He knows and understands. He loves you and can meet your deepest need.

The Resurrection and the Life

The Resurrection and the Life

Believers follow Jesus through life, death, and glorious resurrection. Anyone who believes in Jesus “shall never die.” That’s the Good News!

For God’s Glory

For God’s Glory

Jesus always uses every situation to bring glory to God.

Living Bread

Living Bread

The things of this world will satisfy for a while. That’s exactly why worldly stuff presents such a danger.

Eternal Fulfillment

Eternal Fulfillment

Hunger will always return when you eat from the world’s banquet table. Ours is a spiritual famine that can only be satisfied with the “Bread of Life.”

The Right Story

The Right Story

When I understand and accept that I am a part of God’s story, I will not spend my life working for food that spoils. Instead, I will invest in eternal things because I know God’s story is an eternal one.

Past Devo Series