A willing heart to give what we have is all Jesus wants and all he needs. He will take what you have and turn it into what he needs…with leftovers.
Daily Devotion
Bread of Life
There is deep within the heart a crying need…until we meet Jesus. He is the Bread of Life. He fills the heart with all that it needs. Jesus is what we always wanted and needed.
True Vine
Fruit in our lives will demonstrate that we are connected to True Vine, and his Father gets all the glory.
Plugged In
Allowing the power to flow through obedience produces “much fruit.” Apart from the Source, I “can do nothing”!
We cannot do what God must do, and God will not do what we should do. How’s your partnership with Jesus?
Spiritual Fruit
Is there a demonstration that you are connected to the Life-Giving Vine? Put another way, if you were on trial as a follower of Jesus, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
The True Vine
All we have—life, strength, our relationship with God, everything we need—comes from our Savior. Indeed, Jesus is our source of life.
The Good Shepherd
God’s unconditional love means that I can do nothing to make him love me more; there is nothing I can do to make him love me less.
The Good Shepherd
Listen to the Good Shepherd’s voice. He knows you, loves you, and cares for you! He will always speak the words you need to hear, just when you need to hear them.
The Good Shepherd
Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He never fails to provide everything I need.
The Good Shepherd
He willingly gave his life on the cross as a sacrifice for our sin. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for us. How will you respond today to such love?