Daily Devotion


Light in the Darkness

Past Devo Series

Light in the Darkness: Glory of the Lord

Light in the Darkness: Glory of the Lord

They were minding their sheep and minding their business when the angel suddenly appeared. In an instant, the darkness of night turned to brilliant light. The angel, coming from the presence of God, brought with him God’s glory, and the place lit up! There was light in the darkness! No wonder the shepherds were terrified! Let’s read their story.

Light in the Darkness: The Magi

Light in the Darkness: The Magi

On the Christmas cards, it’s all picture-perfect. With a star illuminating the manger, three wise men, with their camels parked outside, bow down before the baby Jesus. And, of course, at the bottom of the card are the Hallmark words—Wise men still seek him today. But…let’s see what Scripture says about these visitors.

Light in the Darkness: Angelic Confirmation

Light in the Darkness: Angelic Confirmation

Your fiancé is pregnant, and you are not the father. One can only imagine the painful emotions one feels upon hearing that news. But this pregnancy was different. It took an angel and a vision to explain the unexplainable!

Light in the Darkness: On His Terms

Light in the Darkness: On His Terms

Mary was the first person to receive Jesus on his terms. Many people want Jesus to come and meet their needs, fix their problems, and heal their hurts. Their expectations are centered around what Jesus can do for them. Mary was different. Check out her response to the angel Gabriel, who told her she would have a child.

Light in the Darkness: A City Set on a Hill

Light in the Darkness: A City Set on a Hill

Light and darkness are not opposing forces. Dark is simply the absence of light. When light enters, darkness is dispelled. There was a time when we lived in spiritual darkness. That’s all we knew. It was natural and normal. Then we met the Light of the world. He dispelled the spiritual darkness that saturated our hearts. Jesus “called [us] out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9-10). Paul says we are “children of the light, children of the day” (1 Thessalonians 5:4-5). Jesus says it this way.

Light in the Darkness: On Mission

Light in the Darkness: On Mission

Andre Agassi was a great tennis player. During his career, he won eight Grand Slam singles tournaments, an Olympic Gold medal, and $31 million in prize money, not to mention the millions of endorsement dollars he earned. And yet Agassi hated tennis. In an excerpt from his biography, Agassi said, “I play tennis for a living, even though I hate tennis, hate it with a dark secret passion, and always have.”

Light in the Darkness: Sealed with the Spirit

Light in the Darkness: Sealed with the Spirit

Living in the light is living in confidence. We can see where we are going, and we know we will arrive at our destination. There is no “we might make it.” We will experience eternal life in heaven with the Lord! How can we be confident of heaven? Check out today’s passage.

Light in the Darkness: Life in the Son

Light in the Darkness: Life in the Son

To introduce this devotional, I wanted to show all the different decisions that make life complex. There are multiple choices for everything from washers and dryers to tires for your car. Since you may not be in the market for a washer or dryer, and your tires are just fine, I decided to see how many brands of jeans there are. I found a site that provided the complete list of jean brands listed in alphabetical order. I stopped counting at one hundred brands. I was only at “C”! I didn’t have it in me to count jean brands starting with “D” all the way to “Z.”

Light in the Darkness: To Bear Witness

Light in the Darkness: To Bear Witness

Why did God put you on this earth? What’s your purpose? Some people live their entire lives trying to figure out what their entire life was supposed to be about. They come to the end wondering where they should have started. It’s not that they didn’t live well. Many have a stack of achievements. They can explain what they did and how they did it; they just can’t explain the “why.”

Light in the Darkness: Preparing the Way

Light in the Darkness: Preparing the Way

When an angel appears, you can bet that something amazing is going to happen! The amazing certainly took place when the angel Gabriel told Zechariah that he would be having a son. For Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth, that dream had died long ago. In fact, because of Zechariah’s unbelief, he was unable to speak a word until his son was born. Then, he broke out in a song of praise about the one who would prepare the way for Jesus.

Light in the Darkness: The Light of Life

Light in the Darkness: The Light of Life

Most of us are afraid of the dark—the absence of light. That’s where chaos, fear, disillusionment, and anxiety reside. It’s the place where the unknown lives. What is waiting for us…hiding from us…in the darkness? It paralyzes. We can’t move forward in the darkness. But here is the good news—the believers’ light is always shining.

Light in the Darkness: “Be a light!”

Light in the Darkness: “Be a light!”

“Be a light!” That’s what Beth Ann Schaeber said to her boys every day. Before she dropped them off at a friend’s house or their sporting event or when they walked out the door to go to school, “Be a light!” was the last thing they heard. They responded, “Shine bright!” Beth Ann knew that she was sending her kids into a dark world. She knew that they had been called out of darkness into God’s marvelous light to reflect the light of Jesus. The apostle Paul gave us the same challenge.

Past Devo Series