Tough times call for strong leadership. Many can lead well when things are going well—when business is thriving, everything is good at home, and the church is growing. But when the bottom falls out of the economy, family dynamics are challenging, and the church is filled with worriers instead of worshipers, real leaders step forward to inspire and set the course.
Daily Devotion
Entrust Yourself
One by one, they died. James, the brother of John, was beheaded. Thomas was killed in India. Simon was crucified in Egypt. Mark, the first bishop of Alexandria, was burned and buried in Egypt as well. Bartholomew was beaten, crucified, and beheaded. Andrew, Peter’s brother, was crucified in Rome. Matthew was killed with a spear. Phillip was stoned and then hanged on a cross. James, the brother of Jesus, survived being thrown from the temple. Then he was beaten to death.
I can hardly imagine the emotions of believers who are persecuted. While countless believers have been put to death throughout the ages, and many are dying for their faith throughout the world, American Christians don’t give persecution a second thought. But Peter is writing to those who may well die for their faith. Take in his solemn instruction.
The Spirit of God Rests on You
Our passage today reminds me of Stephen, the first Christian martyr. Let’s read the verse and review his story.
1 Peter 4:14
If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.
Rejoice in Suffering
The apostle Peter was no stranger to suffering. His time with Jesus opened his eyes to the painful trials that followers of Jesus must endure. He knew what the inside of a Roman prison looked like. He also knew that Roman jailors did not have this job because of their kindheartedness. In today’s passage, Peter tells believers to not be surprised by “fiery trials.”
Speaking and Serving
The apostle Peter was all about focus and clarity. The gospel of Mark, believed by most theologians to be Peter’s words recorded by Mark, is straightforward, hard-hitting, and action-packed. In our passage today, Peter takes all the potential spiritual gifts (see Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4) and lists them in two broad categories—speaking and serving.
1 Peter 4:7
The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.
This verse emphasizes that every believer has at least one gift. The gift is not given for us to let atrophy from lack of use. It has been given “to serve one another.” Neglecting to use your gift, for whatever reason, not only hurts you but the entire body of Christ. You have a gift! Time to use it!
Peter exhorts followers of Christ to open their homes to fellow believers in need. Offer them warmth by the fire, food, and a place to sleep. The hosts were not to expect payment, allow the guests to stay as long as needed, and this was to be “without grumbling.” Hospitality is hard work. Guests may overstay their welcome. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Fish and visitors stink after three days.” But believers were to provide this ministry cheerfully.
Love Covers a Multitude of Sins
“Hatred stirs up strife,” the proverb says (Proverbs 10:12a). It’s true, isn’t it? When we dislike a person, we want to prove them wrong. If they say, “Up,” we say, “Down!” If they say, “Right,” we say, “Left!” If they say the sky is blue, we argue it is more like turquoise. Dislike for another person drives us to demonstrate animosity. However, there is a second part to the proverb. “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses” (Prov 10:12b). Peter paraphrases this proverb in our passage today.
I often hear people say, “My goodness, with all the natural disasters around the world; the earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods, and all the wars and threats of more to come, the craziness of our culture calling wrong right and right wrong, we have to be living in the end times.” It’s true. Peter makes the point in our passage today.
1 Peter 4:7
The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.
A Different Type of Living
Some will think your lifestyle is strange. Your stance on truth doesn’t change based on the whims of the culture. You may be called bigoted for believing life begins at conception and should be protected. It certainly is not “woke” to believe that gender is assigned by God as he knitted us together in the womb.