The woman was in despair. Her brother had died, and she was reeling from the sharp pains of grief. But Jesus reminded her that while physical death was inevitable, spiritual death was not.
Daily Devotion
Names of God: The Good Shepherd
Jesus is the Good Shepherd
He knows what I dread.
He knows what I fear.
He knows when I fail.
He knows what I dream.
He knows my pain.
He knows what makes me anxious.
He knows what makes me angry.
Names of God: Door of the Sheep
Jesus used the name, door of the sheep, as a spiritual description of the only way a person can enter a relationship with God. Only Jesus can open the door to the secure provision that he has for you. Jesus is the “gatekeeper” who invites you and allows passage into the safety of the “pen.”
Names of God: Light of the World
Darkness describes a heavy blackness that hides a person’s path. It stops progress, leaving a person paralyzed. Motion is halted in the drape of darkness—light illuminates. The path is made clear. Brightness allows movement.
Names of God: Bread of Life
Jesus said, “Feed the crowd.” The disciples said, “What are you talking about?” The group that day consisted of around 10,000 men, women, and children gathered to see and hear Jesus. The disciples had neither the food nor the money to provide a meal for such a large throng.
Names of God: King of Israel
When Nathanael called Jesus King of Israel, he gave Jesus the same name as God, declaring him to be God. Also, Nathanael was giving Jesus the name Messiah, the Anointed One. He was describing Jesus as the One Israel had been waiting for. Jesus is the One you’ve been waiting for as well.
Names of God: Rabbi
The day after John the Baptist introduced Jesus as the Lamb of God, John stood with two disciples when Jesus walked by. John repeated his introduction, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” (John 1:36). John’s disciples left him to follow Jesus. John 1:38-39 explains what happened next:
Names of God: Lamb of God
The Israelites were given specific instructions. Sacrifice a lamb, spread the blood of the lamb on your doorposts, and eat the lamb as your last meal before leaving Egypt. In the final plague on Pharaoh, the angel of death swept through the land, killing all the firstborn, but he passed over the houses with the blood of the lamb on the doorposts. The Passover meal became a yearly remembrance in Israel. Centuries later, John the Baptist introduced Jesus as the Lamb of God.
Names of God: Horn of Salvation
Zechariah and Elizabeth were a godly couple who longed to have children. But they were well along in years. That dream had died years ago. Then, one day, an angel suddenly appeared to a startled Zechariah and told him that Elizabeth would have a son. They were to call his name John. John the Baptist would be the one who prepared the way for Jesus.
Names of God: Most High
Mary was frightened and confused. The angel Gabriel suddenly appeared and told her that she was going to have a child. Mary asked the obvious question, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” In Gabriel’s amazing and mysterious answer, he explained that the entire Trinity would be involved in the miraculous birth.
Names of God: Son of the Most High
When the angel Gabriel came to Mary, she was greatly troubled. Imagine her shock and dismay as the angel suddenly appeared and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” (Luke 1:28). Mary’s fear was visibly evident as Gabriel continued,