Daily Devotion


Names of God

Past Devo Series

Names of God: Maker of All Things

Names of God: Maker of All Things

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The Hebrew word for “create” (bara) expresses the fact that God created the world from nothing. You may have heard the Latin term ex nihilo to describe creation. Ex nihilo means “out of nothing.” Everything God made was new, perfect, and complete.

Names of God: Man of Sorrows

Names of God: Man of Sorrows

When God sent his Son into the world, he took away all the advantages and privileges of deity. Jesus came “not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Seven hundred years before his birth, the prophet Isaiah wrote this about Jesus:

Names of God: Servant of God

Names of God: Servant of God

The word “servant” or “slave” is a translation of the Hebrew word ebed. This is the description that God gives the coming Messiah in today’s passage.

Names of God: Redeemer

Names of God: Redeemer

We are sinners and cannot pay our debts. Our best efforts fall short, so God did for us what we could not do for ourselves.

Names of God: Immanuel

Names of God: Immanuel

Ever wonder if God truly cares for you, is on your side, has your best interest in mind, and has your back? Check out today’s passage, where God promised to take care of Israel. They did not have to fear. He was coming to their rescue. He would not allow them to be desolate and helpless like a poor widow. Isaiah wrote,

Names of God: Immanuel

Names of God: Immanuel

Seven hundred years before the birth of Christ, the prophet Isaiah told us that the Messiah would be born to a virgin. And his name would be called, Immanuel.

Names of God: Prince of Peace

Names of God: Prince of Peace

We live in a world of chaos. That’s not a shocking statement. The news affirms that there is trouble all around us. Our hearts proclaim the tension within us. We long for peace. Seven hundred years before the birth of Jesus, the prophet Isaiah told us that the Messiah was coming.

Names of God: Everlasting Father

Names of God: Everlasting Father

Does it strike you as odd that the name Everlasting Father is a name in Scripture that describes God the Son? As we continue our study of the names of God, let’s consider how the name, Father, can describe Jesus.

Names of God: Mighty God

Names of God: Mighty God

Seven hundred years before the birth of Jesus, the prophet Isaiah proclaimed that the Messiah was coming. Isaiah described the coming Savior with four names that explain his character—Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Yesterday, we considered the name Wonderful Counselor. Today, let’s look at the name Mighty God.

Names of God: Wonderful Counselor

Names of God: Wonderful Counselor

He said it was going to happen…700 years before it did! The Old Testament prophet Isaiah described the coming of the Messiah using four names to explain his character. The first name Isaiah revealed is Wonderful Counselor.

Names of God: Strong Tower

Names of God: Strong Tower

Strong fortified walls from fifteen to twenty-five feet thick and twenty feet high surrounded ancient cities. Built into these walls were towers at each corner and at other places in the wall where an enemy might attack. Each tower had its own entrance, a staircase to the top, and a stash of weapons. Towers were the place to run to when the enemy was attacking. These towers were called migdal-oz in Hebrew. The same word is also translated as “stronghold.”

Past Devo Series