Daily Devotion


Daily Devotion

Past Devo Series

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Dinner with Joseph

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Dinner with Joseph

Last time we learned that a widespread famine had swept the land, Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to buy grain. When the brothers arrived, they bowed before the governor, not realizing it was Joseph, the brother they had sold into slavery two decades before. He accused them of being spies. (Gen. 42:14-15). This is the first of two critical tests. The next one occurs in Genesis 44. So, why did Joseph consider it necessary to test his brothers? Hold that question, and I will answer it next time.

Genesis: God’s Story in You – The Meeting

Genesis: God’s Story in You – The Meeting

There are some meetings you never expect to have—a person from your past that you haven’t seen for years, an old friend with whom you lost touch, a partner whose relationship with you ended poorly, a person who hurt you, and the hurt still lingers. Today’s passage shows how God orchestrates a surprise meeting behind the scenes. Let’s consider Genesis 42.

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Second in Command

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Second in Command

Two theological truths echo throughout the story of Genesis: The Person of God and how he works in our lives. God is sovereign over all. In Genesis 1, he spoke the world into existence. In Genesis 41, he is behind the scenes, giving dreams to the king and Joseph the ability to interpret them. So, it is in our lives. Sometimes, we see God working directly, sometimes indirectly, but all the time, he works out his plan according to his will and timing. As the song says, he never stops working.

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Waiting

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Waiting

Still reeling from his brothers’ betrayal and alone in a foreign land, God was blessing Joseph’s endeavors while he served in Potiphar’s house. Then, the whole ordeal with Potiphar’s wife took place. She accused him of sexual assault, so Joseph was sent to prison. Think of it—Joseph was in jail because of his obedience to God!

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Escape to Prison

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Escape to Prison

Two threads of theological truth run throughout the book of Genesis. One thread is the awe-inspiring Person of God. In Genesis, God speaks the universe into existence and breathes life into man. When Satan led Adam and Eve into rebellion, God promised to send One to crush Satan’s head (Gen. 3:15) and chose a people through whom to send the Savior. Genesis continually points us to the cross as God’s unbreakable covenant is passed on from generation to generation. God always keeps his promises.

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Deception

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Deception

I want to remind you that we have a great team ready to answer your questions. Don’t ever think your question is too simple or basic. Howard Hendricks, one of my favorite seminary professors, would say, “The only foolish question is one you don’t ask.” Also, due to time, there are aspects of these passages that I can’t address. Again, be sure to send us your questions. Our team wants to help you stay engaged in God’s Word.

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Dreams to Chains

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Dreams to Chains

God is writing his story in you, and it is an amazing story. Sure, there are twists and turns, bumps and detours. Sometimes, we get stalled, disappointed, even discouraged, but through it all, God never wastes our time. His work today prepares us for tomorrow. That’s what we see in the life of Joseph. He becomes Moses’ person of focus beginning in Genesis 37.

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Sojourners

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Sojourners

We are getting ready to begin the last section of Genesis, where God writes his story through Joseph. These extraordinary events illustrate this point: God never wastes our time. Before we start God’s story in Joseph, let’s take today to wrap up Genesis 35 and 36, then summarize what we have learned to this point. Remember, you need a grasp of Genesis to understand the whole of Scripture.

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Taking Charge

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Taking Charge

In Genesis 34, we considered Jacob’s passive leadership that led to his sons committing a massacre at Shechem. Jacob feared that other countries in the region would retaliate, but in Genesis 35, we learn that God is fighting for Jacob and his family. A “terror from God fell upon the cities that were around them, so that they did not pursue the sons of Jacob” (Gen. 35:5). Once again, Jacob experienced the power and protection of God.

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Passive Leadership

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Passive Leadership

When God writes his story, he does not communicate in bullet points. He writes his story in the lives of people who learn how to love and trust him through blessing and success, through pain and failure. Today, we’re considering Genesis 34 that relates a tragic account about Jacob’s daughter.

Genesis: God’s Story in You – The Encounter

Genesis: God’s Story in You – The Encounter

In Genesis 32, Jacob learned that his older brother, Esau, was coming his way with four hundred men. Jacob did not look forward to the encounter. The brothers had been estranged due to Jacob’s trickery that led to Esau giving away his birthright and losing his father’s blessing. Esau had been furious with Jacob and intent on ending Jacob’s life. Now, two decades later, Jacob had no idea if that’s what Esau was coming to do. Jacob sent a series of gifts to Esau to appease him.

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Fresh Faith

Genesis: God’s Story in You – Fresh Faith

When God writes our story, each day is a new chapter. Whatever happened yesterday, happened yesterday. Whether yesterday was characterized by failure or success, it is over. Every day needs to be infused with fresh faith.

Past Devo Series