Daily Devotion


Daily Devotion

Past Devo Series

Job: Naked

Job: Naked

It’s hard to fathom how Job’s pain could have been worse. We might be tempted to say, “My situation pales in comparison to Job. I should never complain, question, or doubt.” If Job’s suffering serves as the benchmark for our suffering, then the response to our pain becomes, “Suck it up. It could be worse. Just look at Job.” But that is wrong thinking.

Job: The Accuser

Job: The Accuser

I’ve heard it said that people love God like a farmer loves his cow—for the milk and cheese. Undoubtedly, many connect with God for the benefits. But what if all those benefits were taken away? Would we still love God? Would we still worship him? Satan asserts that humanity loves God only for the perks.

Job: The Heavenly Court

Job: The Heavenly Court

Today, the author of Job pulls back the curtains of heaven to present a vivid portrayal of Satan bargaining with God. While other instances in Scripture briefly mention interactions between Satan and God (e.g., Zech. 3:1-2, Luke 22:31-32), Job offers a front-row seat.

Job: What Did I Do?

Job: What Did I Do?

Many people believe that God continually punishes them for their sins. They think that every misfortune in life results from something they did or didn’t do, suggesting a direct connection between disobedience and personal struggles. Being imprisoned for murder or being isolated in an apartment after an affair that devastated your family are two clear examples of the consequences of sin. It’s easy to identify the sinful act that led to these situations. However, in many cases, the connection may not be as clear. We will observe this in Job’s life.

Job: When Life Seems Unfair

Job: When Life Seems Unfair

Deb and Samuel (never call him Sam) were introduced by friends. If it wasn’t love at first sight, it was close. The new couple wanted to do things right. They followed God’s instruction for dating, became engaged, and planned their wedding. It was a beautiful candlelight ceremony in the country church where Samuel grew up. After the ceremony, the couple jumped in a car surrounded by family and friends and took off for Reno. They would catch an early flight for an island honeymoon. They hardly noticed the rain that had started pouring down.

Genesis: REFRESH and RESET

Genesis: REFRESH and RESET

Thank you for participating in this study of Genesis. What an incredible book! Today, I have provided a Genesis Refresh for you to use as a resource and review. It serves as a recap of the book. Tomorrow, we will continue our journey in the Old Testament by studying Job, followed by Isaiah. After that, we’ll move to the New Testament to delve into the Gospel of John, Romans, and Revelation. Also, I’ve written a few personal reflections as we close out Genesis.

Genesis/Psalms: The Good Shepherd (Part 3)

Genesis/Psalms: The Good Shepherd (Part 3)

Our study of Genesis introduced us to the mighty Creator God, who spoke the world into being, as well as the personal God who writes his story in us. When the patriarch Jacob was nearing death, he stated that God had been his shepherd “all my life long to this day” (Gen. 48:15). Six hundred years later, when the nation of Israel was well established, King David echoed Jacob’s words in the twenty-third psalm. This psalm is rich in depicting how God cares for his own. In the past two days, we have explored the first three verses. Today, as we conclude this psalm, let’s begin with verse 4.

Genesis/Psalms: The Good Shepherd (Part 2)

Genesis/Psalms: The Good Shepherd (Part 2)

In Genesis, God’s people were primarily shepherds. They guided their flocks to the mountain pastures for grazing and returned them to the sheep pens for safety. They understood the shepherd’s role in ensuring success in this livelihood. When Jacob was close to death, he praised God, “who has been my shepherd all my life long to this day” (Gen. 48:15).

Genesis/Psalms: The Good Shepherd (Part 1)

Genesis/Psalms: The Good Shepherd (Part 1)

I recently spoke with a college student facing serious health issues. She is dealing with pain, and despite visiting several doctors, she is still searching for a diagnosis and treatment. She shared that, until now, her life had felt like a storybook. This was her first real challenge. She acknowledged feelings of hopelessness, but her time in Scripture and reliance on God remained firm despite her current condition. She knew that God was in control and guiding her each day.

Genesis/Psalms: The God Who Keeps His Promises

Genesis/Psalms: The God Who Keeps His Promises

Psalm 105 tracks God’s sovereign work, from the Abrahamic covenant to Israel’s freedom from Egypt. The psalmist implores God’s people to give him thanks, to sing praises to him, to “glory in his holy name,” and to “tell of all his wondrous works!” (Ps. 105:1-7). God never forgets his promises.

Genesis/Psalms: God’s Gift of Family

Genesis/Psalms: God’s Gift of Family

I cringe when I hear someone ask a young couple, “When are you all going to have children?” First, it’s nobody’s business. Second, having a baby isn’t like putting a quarter in a gumball machine and getting a gumball in return. The couple may have been trying to have a child for some time. An important truth we learned from the study of Genesis is that children are a gift from the Lord.

Genesis/Psalms: Seeking Forgiveness (Part 3)

Genesis/Psalms: Seeking Forgiveness (Part 3)

When we sin, wouldn’t it be better to run from God and avoid him—at least for a while? After all, we learned in Genesis that sin is an act of rebellion against God, the righteous Judge, and that it carries consequences. Wouldn’t it be wiser to keep our distance?

Past Devo Series