Daily Devotion


Power in the Psalms

Past Devo Series

Power in the Psalms: Healer

Power in the Psalms: Healer

God stands by the brokenhearted, but he doesn’t just stand by. He is not a passive onlooker or a well-wisher. He doesn’t need to go for help. He comes to us in our brokenness and brings exactly what we need at the precise moment we need it, not a moment too soon, not a second too late.

Power in the Psalms: Unfailing Love

Power in the Psalms: Unfailing Love

Sometimes we can feel it coming on like a person who loses their footing on a steep climb, we can sense our emotions slipping. The waves of anxiety build until they crash into our hearts and drench our souls. Here it comes, the fear of uncertainty.

Power in the Psalms: Refuge and Strength

Power in the Psalms: Refuge and Strength

Sometimes, we experience an earthquake of the soul. Our world is shaken. Our hearts are confused. A teenager takes their life. A young person struggles with cancer. A person in great physical shape dies suddenly of a heart attack. A child goes the way of a prodigal. A spouse moves out. These things, and many more, rock our world. But when these inevitable times occur, we can stand strong. Really? That’s what the psalmist reminds us in Psalm 46.

Power in the Psalms: Hiding Place

Power in the Psalms: Hiding Place

Today’s psalm gives us three truths we can drive like stakes into the ground to keep us steady. Let’s read the passage and consider each promise.

Power in the Psalms: Hope

Power in the Psalms: Hope

In the English language, “hope” is a fuzzy word. It describes a wish or desire that something will happen or turn out a certain way. We might hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow, but tomorrow brings a downpour. In our language, hope has no guarantees.

Power in the Psalms: God’s Hand

Power in the Psalms: God’s Hand

God is in complete control of all things. His sovereignty is not delegated or shared. He is intimately involved in the day-to-day affairs of your life. David says it this way in our passage today.

Power in the Psalms: Protection

Power in the Psalms: Protection

Ever feel like you don’t measure up? Ever seem like life’s assignment is beyond your skill level? Convinced that you don’t have what it takes? Don’t feel alone. The line of inadequacy stretches around the block, but you don’t have to stand stuck in the long line. Step out and find where these emotions can be addressed.

Power in the Psalms: Waiting

Power in the Psalms: Waiting

The fear of uncertainty causes us to run . . . fast. We run to where we think will bring comfort. We run to where the pain can be dulled, at least for a while. These are unhealthy places that deliver short-lived satisfaction and false hope.

Power in the Psalms: Light. Salvation. Refuge.

Power in the Psalms: Light. Salvation. Refuge.

God finds me in the darkness, the place where fear of the unknown resides, but he doesn’t leave me there. He is my personal light, revealing the sin of my heart, showing my desperate need, and illuminating the right path to take.

Power in the Psalms: Friendship with God

Power in the Psalms: Friendship with God

“Fear” and “friendship.” Those words normally don’t go together. How can the “friendship of the Lord” be for those who “fear him”? Doesn’t fear cause us to run away? Isn’t friendship for those who hang close?

Power in the Psalms: Trust

Power in the Psalms: Trust

Some people like to trust the tangible—things they can see and touch, such as a strong showing of the Dow, a large and equipped military, a secure retirement, or their party running the government. Some trust in well-built, fortified chariots pulled by strong, speedy horses.

Power in the Psalms: Stronghold

Power in the Psalms: Stronghold

The prophet Samuel had anointed David as the new king of Israel. However, Saul, the reigning king, did not accept the coronation. He was obsessed with killing the competition. Saul and his elite soldiers chased David around the countryside. After a close call, David wrote the words in today’s passage thanking God for delivering him.

Past Devo Series