Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Refuge: Armed!

Refuge: Armed!

Perpetua was a 26-year-old mother with a nursing baby when she was imprisoned for refusing to bow before idols. Despite her father appearing with the infant in his arms and pleading for her to sacrifice to idols, she refused. “Are you a Christian?” the judge asked. “I am a Christian,” was her answer. Perpetua was ordered to be killed by wild beasts.

Refuge: A Solid Rock

Refuge: A Solid Rock

When we place our trust and confidence in people, sooner or later, we will be left alone and disillusioned. When we seek satisfaction in material things, our hearts will be unfulfilled. When we worship money, we run after a god who only provides fleeting happiness. False gods always leave us abandoned and empty.

Refuge: God’s Perfect Way

Refuge: God’s Perfect Way

God never makes a mistake, never needs a mulligan, and never asks for a do-over. His instruction is perfect, and his plans for you are flawless. Our confidence comes from knowing God shields us; he is our refuge.

Refuge: The Battle Belongs to the Lord

Refuge: The Battle Belongs to the Lord

The giant was nine feet tall! His name was Goliath. Day after day, he challenged the Israelite army to a one-on-one battle, winner-takes-all. After forty days, no one had stepped forward. The soldiers were overtaken with fear.

Refuge: Nothing Can Hinder the Lord

Refuge: Nothing Can Hinder the Lord

King Saul was in trouble. He was outnumbered by the Philistine army, who held the high ground, so he froze. He and his men took their position under a pomegranate tree. There he waited … and waited … and waited … but his son, Jonathan, couldn’t wait any longer.

Refuge: God Is With You

Refuge: God Is With You

Since his youth, Joshua had followed the great leader, Moses. Scripture says that no one has ever demonstrated the “mighty power or performed the awesome deeds” that Moses did (Deuteronomy 34:12 NIV). However, Moses was dead. Now, the assignment of leading Israel into the promised land was on Joshua’s shoulders. The weight was heavy!