Daily Devotion


Promises in the Psalms

Past Devo Series

Promises: Repentance and Forgiveness

Promises: Repentance and Forgiveness

David’s sin of adultery led to his great prayer for repentance. Yesterday we noted where true repentance begins. Here are three more important steps.

Promises: Repentance and Forgiveness

Promises: Repentance and Forgiveness

Let’s take a few days to consider Psalm 51, David’s prayer for forgiveness after his sin with Bathsheba. In this prayer, we find seven important steps to true repentance. Today we’ll cover the first three.

Promises: Ever-Present Help

Promises: Ever-Present Help

Have you ever been shaken? Left reeling? A person I met with today described it as a “gut punch.” These troubling times may involve an illness, a job loss, a death, a disappointment, or a broken relationship. In today’s passage, the psalmist says it feels like the earth is giving way and the mountains are quaking. But the strength of God can overpower our greatest fears.

Promises: My Heart’s Desire

Promises: My Heart’s Desire

What do you dream about? What fills your heart with passion? What gives you a sense of significance? What makes you say, “This is what I was put on earth to do!”? Today’s passage provides three focal points in fulfilling our God-given desires.

Promises: Meteoric Love

Promises: Meteoric Love

When our first daughter, Brittany, was born, I was surprised to feel a new channel of love open in my soul. I thought I had expended all my love on my wife, Lori. I didn’t know I had the capacity to love another person that much. And when we learned another baby was on the way, I wondered how I could love a second child as much as Brittany. But when our son arrived, I learned that my love for him didn’t “borrow” from my love for Brittany. A new reservoir of love was released for Garrison…and then for Lara….and then for Mackenzie…and now for our grandchildren.

Promises: Close to the Brokenhearted

Promises: Close to the Brokenhearted

Broken hearts come in many forms. Some are crushed by a sixth-grade break-up; others when a spouse walks out after twenty-five years. Some come from the rejection of a dear friend; others by reckless words that pierce like a sword.

Promises: Forgiveness

Promises: Forgiveness

Sin sits heavy on the soul. Our failures never wander far from our minds. With the memory…comes the guilt. Sin keeps us chained to shame and regret. And as long as we keep silent, we stay…tethered. That’s what David experienced.

Promises: Heart Strength

Promises: Heart Strength

In the English language, “hope” is a fuzzy word. It describes a wish or desire that something will happen or turn out a certain way. We might hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow, but tomorrow brings a downpour. In our language, hope has no guarantees. In Scripture, “hope” is different.

Promises: My Time Is in Your Hands

Promises: My Time Is in Your Hands

God is in complete control of all things. His sovereignty is not delegated or shared. He is intimately involved in the day-to-day affairs of my life. My days are in his hands.

Promises: Strength and Shield

Promises: Strength and Shield

Ever feel like you don’t measure up? Ever feel like life’s assignment is way beyond your skill level? Convinced that you don’t have what it takes? You are not alone. The line of inadequacy stretches around the block, but you don’t have to stand stuck in the long line. Today’s passage tells us where to find real strength.

Promises: Wait for the Lord

Promises: Wait for the Lord

The fear of uncertainty causes us to run . . . fast. We run to places we think will bring comfort. We run to where the pain can be dulled, at least for a while. These are unhealthy destinations that deliver short-lived satisfaction and false hope. God has a different remedy for uncertainty. He tells us to stay put and wait for his confidence.

Promises: Never Have to be Afraid

Promises: Never Have to be Afraid

Thanks for taking the time to read these devotionals. At The Journey, we aim to help you engage in God’s Word. As we continue to consider Promises in the Psalms, we learn today that when we walk with Jesus, we never have to be afraid.

Past Devo Series