Daily Devotion


Latest Daily Devotions

Refuge: God Will Fight For You

Refuge: God Will Fight For You

Fear and doubt are uninvited emotions for us all. They roll in like thirty-foot rogue waves and crash onto the shores of our souls. They produce anxiety that leads to more fear and “what if” questions that lead to doubt.

Power in the Psalms: Healer

Power in the Psalms: Healer

God stands by the brokenhearted, but he doesn’t just stand by. He is not a passive onlooker or a well-wisher. He doesn’t need to go for help. He comes to us in our brokenness and brings exactly what we need at the precise moment we need it, not a moment too soon, not a second too late.

Power in the Psalms: Unfailing Love

Power in the Psalms: Unfailing Love

Sometimes we can feel it coming on like a person who loses their footing on a steep climb, we can sense our emotions slipping. The waves of anxiety build until they crash into our hearts and drench our souls. Here it comes, the fear of uncertainty.

Power in the Psalms: Refuge and Strength

Power in the Psalms: Refuge and Strength

Sometimes, we experience an earthquake of the soul. Our world is shaken. Our hearts are confused. A teenager takes their life. A young person struggles with cancer. A person in great physical shape dies suddenly of a heart attack. A child goes the way of a prodigal. A spouse moves out. These things, and many more, rock our world. But when these inevitable times occur, we can stand strong. Really? That’s what the psalmist reminds us in Psalm 46.

Power in the Psalms: Hiding Place

Power in the Psalms: Hiding Place

Today’s psalm gives us three truths we can drive like stakes into the ground to keep us steady. Let’s read the passage and consider each promise.

Power in the Psalms: Hope

Power in the Psalms: Hope

In the English language, “hope” is a fuzzy word. It describes a wish or desire that something will happen or turn out a certain way. We might hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow, but tomorrow brings a downpour. In our language, hope has no guarantees.