It is one thing to ask, “Why?” when we go through the inevitable challenges of life. I would argue that the “Why?” question is a natural and normal response from a broken heart. We believe that some amount of explanation would help the pain subside, bring understanding to our exhausted reasoning, and allow us to gain a measure of joy in our circumstances. If we could see how our pain fits into God’s big picture, that would certainly go a long way in the healing process, wouldn’t it? But when we bring accusations against God, we are on a dangerous detour.
Daily Devotion
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Dress for Action
C. S. Lewis wrote, “The human spirit will not begin to try to surrender self-will as long as all seems to be well with it.” When we are good, we’re good. We don’t need God. As one person said, “We regard God as an airman regards his parachute; it’s there for emergencies but he hopes he’ll never have to use it.”
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Hold Fast to Integrity
Job’s life had been a cakewalk—layers of sweet blessings iced with a thick frosting of more blessings. Then the cake collapsed. Job had to make a choice. It’s easy to love God when life is good, but how will you respond to God when things go sour? Job had lost all his possessions and his ten children. Now, he is about to lose his health.
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Faithful
Sometimes, life’s windstorms hit us hard and knock us off our feet. One person likened the storms to a blizzard and wrote, “The blizzard of the world has crossed over the threshold, and it has overturned the order of the soul.” The blizzards outside make their way inside and disrupt the rhythm of our lives. That’s what happened to Job. As we have seen, he lost everything and still praised the Lord. But Satan was merciless in his attacks. He was convinced that Job was self-centered and would turn on God when he encountered personal illness.
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
Standing by the freshly dug grave, I watched as a heavy-hearted couple made their way up the steep hill. The father served as the lone pallbearer. Only one person was needed to carry the small casket holding the body of his infant son. He placed the casket on the nylon straps that would lower it into the grave. What do you say to parents who have lost a child? I remember only hugs and tears as we waited for the rest of the family to gather on the windy hillside.
Unshakable Faith in a Shaken World: Satan’s Aim
Our passage today is a front-row seat to a dialogue between God and Satan. In this conversation, initiated by God, we see the Father’s pride in his children and Satan’s hit at our motives.
Unshakable Faith in a Shaken World: Job’s Journey
For the next few days, we are going to follow the journey of a great man who walked with God and held evil at bay. He was blessed with ten children and much wealth. He not only took care of himself, but his “regular custom” was to make sure his children were purified by the sacrifice of a burnt offering. Job was strolling along singing Curly’s song from the musical, Oklahoma! —Oh, what a beautiful mornin’! Oh, what a beautiful day! Everything was going his way until…the bottom fell out of his life. There was a time when a person heard the name “Job” and thought “blessing”; today the name is tantamount to suffering.
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Holding Fast
She said, “Make a fist.” I did. She attached a tight bandage on my upper left arm. I let her. She swabbed my arm with brownish liquid. I watched. She was wearing a blue nurse-like jacket, nurse-like rubber gloves, and a name badge that looked official to me. I was there to give blood; she was there to take it. She said, “This is going to pinch and burn,” as she inserted the needle into a vein. She was right. Why wouldn’t I believe her? She had done this hundreds of times before (I hoped).
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Amazing Love
Years ago, Lori and I were taking our son back to college when, on the way, the traffic came to a sudden halt. After a time of stop-and-go, state troopers directed us off the highway onto the side road, where we drove for several miles. We knew that an accident had occurred on the main road, and it must have been a bad one. It was. A teenage girl, an outstanding athlete in our area, had been killed in a car crash. I am sure her family misses her every day.
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Stand Firm
Ever feel like you are alone in the battle? The fighting and chaos surround you, and there seems to be no chance of winning. Listen to today’s passage.
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Holy. Holy. Holy.
Isaiah had never seen anything like it. Before him was the Lord seated in all majesty and might, surrounded by angels who had to cover their faces (they could not look directly at God’s glory) and feet (acknowledging their lowliness) as they hovered around the throne. Here’s what Isaiah saw.
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: The Eternal God
Our passage today declares that the Lord is the everlasting God. Let’s read our passage and focus on what it means when we say that God is everlasting or eternal.