The king had been humbled. The great Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, who had been compared to a lion (Jeremiah 4:7) and an eagle (Ezekiel 17:3-12), was driven from his kingdom to eat grass like an ox (Daniel 4:33). God got Nebuchadnezzar’s attention! When he came to his senses, he “blessed the Most High” God. We learn a lot about God and ourselves in Nebuchadnezzar’s prayer.
Daily Devotion
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Spiritual Audit
Life presents chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. Our newsfeed delivers another story that makes us angry. Truth is mocked. People are stumbling in the public square. A call delivers news of an illness or a tragic loss. I read today that six people were suddenly killed in a head-on collision. In a split second, their lives were over. Bad news never stays “out there.” It hits home, and we do our best to stand firm.
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Sovereign
Our lives are sovereignly ordained by the living God. Long before you were born, he knew where you would be right now as you interact with this devo. With great love, he created you as his masterpiece. You are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Here’s how David describes your coming to be.
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: God’s Presence
God’s presence with us is one of the most powerful experiences of our lives. It gives us comfort when we are down, courage when we are fearful, and confidence when we doubt. And…let’s be honest. There are times in our humanness that we want to get away from God. We desire to run far from him. We want to do something we know he would not approve of. God’s presence is powerful…and…sometimes we want to be left alone. We seek God’s companionship…on our terms. I believe this is what David is getting at in Psalm 139:11-12.
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Hiding from God
Let’s be honest. Have you ever felt like running from God? I have. There have been times when I wanted to be alone, wanted to hide, and wanted some distance from God. But where is that place of seclusion? Let’s see what King David said.
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Where is God?
When your world begins to shake, you can go in one of two directions. You can turn to God and trust him to steady you. Or you can turn away from God and conclude he doesn’t care…maybe, he doesn’t even know what to do, so you’re better off on your own. At the end of the day, here’s the question: Which way will you turn?
Standing Firm in Unshakable Faith: Fear Not, Stand Firm
I called it the athletic stance. When I coached, it was the first thing I taught. Feet spread apart just a bit wider than the shoulders, knees slightly bent, leaning forward toward the balls of your feet, and both hands open and held out with elbows bent. I lined up the players, had them get in the athletic stance, and then walked down the line, pushing each player’s shoulders. In that posture, you don’t lose your footing; you keep your balance, and you stand firm. And from that position, you can move with agility whether you are a cornerback or a shortstop.