Daily Devotion



Past Devo Series

The Cross

The Cross

Friday was the day of the cross. We call it Good Friday. But from Mary’s viewpoint, “good” was not the word she would use.

Four Days Dead

Four Days Dead

Lazarus was four days dead. When Jesus said, “Lazarus, come out,” the dead man responded. Lazarus stood up and shuffled out of the tomb. His resurrected body still showed signs of death—strips of linen wrapped around his body and a burial cloth around his face.

Come Out!

Come Out!

Come out! Those are the words Jesus spoke to a man who was dead. Here’s the account in John 11:43.

Disappointment. Anger. Confusion.

Disappointment. Anger. Confusion.

Hurt. Disappointment. Anger. Confusion. Fear. Mary was probably feeling all those emotions following the death of her brother Lazarus. She made her way to Jesus, fell at his feet, and let him know exactly what was on her mind. “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (John 11:32). Those words were spoken with tears running down her cheeks and between the loud sobs of grief.

Never Die

Never Die

Jesus has made a way to escape death, to never die. He first gave that promise to a woman grieving the loss of her brother. Today we begin following Jesus to the cross. As Jesus entered the Jerusalem area for the last time, he performed a significant miracle just outside of town. This miracle centered around a man named Lazarus—who was dead and buried. Let’s consider Jesus’ words to Martha, one of the dead man’s sisters. 

Problems with the Plan

Problems with the Plan

Sometimes we have problems with the plan—God’s plan. We misunderstand what he is up to. That’s what happened to the disciples.

Holding Out

Holding Out

Have you ever felt like Jesus was holding out on you? Check out today’s passage.

Easter – Part 3

Easter – Part 3

What’s the secret to holding fast to the one who holds on to you? How do you maintain a firm grip on faith when the road of life is pitching and heaving? Today, Ron Moore offers guidance to that end. It’ll strengthen your devotion to the One who’ll never let you go,...

Easter – Part 2

Easter – Part 2

Christian faith is not blind. In fact, it sees all the way to the city whose foundation lasts forever. In this half-hour, Ron Moore displays the evidence of that claim so you can be sure of your heavenly home.

Easter – Part 1

Easter – Part 1

Are you looking for a stable place to live your life? One safe from the seismic forces rocking your world. A place to stand, where hope is certain, and security is promised. That’s Ron Moore’s topic today. Listen and find your spiritual footing in this time of global...

He’s Alive!

He’s Alive!

It’s Good Friday but Sunday’s comin’. What does that mean for this world of heartache and aching beauty? It’s a simple and profound message and Ron Moore is here to share it in this half-hour.

Past Devo Series