Daily Devotion


Everyday Life

Past Devo Series

God is Good, All the Time – Part 2

God is Good, All the Time – Part 2

How do you live a victorious life for God during challenging times, on rough terrain? Well on today’s broadcast, we interrupt our Revelation series as Ron Moore welcomes Men’s Pastor Tunch Ilkin to talk about following hard after Jesus when the path itself is...

God is Good, All the Time

God is Good, All the Time

God is good…all the time. All the time, God is good. We often say that in moments of joyful news and experiences. At other times it’s an expression of strong faith when the news is hard to hear and life is harder still. On today’s broadcast, we interrupt our...

Made in the “Image” of God?

Made in the “Image” of God?

The word “image” means “to carve or cut out.” We are carved or cut out in the pattern of our Creator. God is spirit, so this pattern is not a physical representation. Rather, to be made in the image of God means that we share God’s nature, specifically his...

Foot-In-Mouth Disease: Remedies

Foot-In-Mouth Disease: Remedies

Does your job require you to speak a lot?  Do you like to talk a lot? Are you married or in a relationship? Then you are at high risk for Foot-In-Mouth disease. The Proverb says, “When words are many, sin is not absent…” (10:19). For sure, when words are many,...

Filled with the Spirit: One and Done or Moment by Moment Submission?

Filled with the Spirit: One and Done or Moment by Moment Submission?

What does the Apostle Paul mean when he tells the believer to be “filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18)? There are two important things to know about this instruction. The word “filled” means to be controlled. Instead of being controlled by a substance like wine...

Faith That Works

Faith That Works

Can you imagine a salesman who never sold a product … a surgeon who never performed a surgery … a trial lawyer who never tried a case … an interior decorator who never decorated the interior of anything … a teacher who never taught … a preacher who never preached … a...

Hospitality: More than Dinner and Dessert

Hospitality: More than Dinner and Dessert

When you hear the word “hospitality” it is often in terms of a person having people over for dinner capped off with coffee and dessert. That’s a great thing to do, but biblical hospitality goes much deeper. Someone has well said: Hospitality is not having someone into...

Yes – Every Battle is Worth it!

Yes – Every Battle is Worth it!

Joshua, the Old Testament leader of Israel, was given a heavy assignment. Following the great leader Moses, God charged Joshua to lead Israel into the Promised Land. Joshua knew the challenges and risks. Seven groups of people inhabited the Canaan and there would be...

Will the Battles Be Worth It?

Will the Battles Be Worth It?

Believers know that following Christ involves sacrifice. There will be battles to fight. We want to know if the battles will be worth it. Joshua knew that they would not enter the Promised Land the next day or the day after that. There would be many battles to fight....

A Story About Two Men

A Story About Two Men

Two men decided to build a house. Both dreamed of a room where their family would meet and watch movies, eat popcorn, play games, and have real family conversations in front of a blazing fire. With their wives they planned the kitchen—counter space, storage space,...

Start Digging

Start Digging

When my family moved to Pittsburgh in 1989, one of the first men I met was Al.  Although twenty-five years my elder, we became friends. When our church went through a rocky time, Al and I became even closer commiserating over coffee at McDonald’s. Al had owned a...

The Land of Conflict

The Land of Conflict

If you are alive, sooner or later, you will run into the buzz saw of conflict. Some people visit the land of conflict occasionally. Others seem to make the land of conflict their permanent residence. Let’s begin with a biblical foundation. What does the Bible say...

Past Devo Series