Daily Devotion



Past Devo Series

Under Attack: The Sacrifice – Part 1

Under Attack: The Sacrifice – Part 1

You won. The battle was long and hard but through God’s grace and power you prevailed. Now, you’re just tired, and there’s another temptation coming your way. What do you do? In this broadcast, Ron Moore and men’s minister Tunch Ilkin talk about your options when the...

Under Attack: The Present – Part 2

Under Attack: The Present – Part 2

When today, or for that matter each day, is over what will you have left to give? Will you reserve a little for yourself or leave it all on the battlefield for Christ? That’s the question Ron Moore and men’s minister Tunch Ilkin examine in this broadcast. Listen so...

Under Attack: The Present – Part 1

Under Attack: The Present – Part 1

When Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own,” he was voicing a key strategy for the spiritual battles we face. Today, Ron Moore and men’s minister Tunch Ilkin expand on that strategy with...

Preparing for Battle: Weapons – Part 2

Preparing for Battle: Weapons – Part 2

You are to: “Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” What does that mean and how is it accomplished? Today, Ron Moore and men’s minister Tunch Ilkin continue...

Preparing for Battle: Weapons – Part 1

Preparing for Battle: Weapons – Part 1

The Apostle Paul told us: “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” Do you know what those weapons are? Ron Moore and men’s minister Tunch Ilkin begin a look at the spiritual armory...

Battleplan: The Three Terrains

Battleplan: The Three Terrains

Having “your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from “the gospel of peace” is a good start to the spiritual battle. Where you place your feet is your next concern. Today Ron Moore and men’s minister Tunch Ilkin talk about the ground on which you fight and how...

Past Devo Series