Daily Devotion



Past Devo Series

Unselfie Home: Parenting – Part 1

Unselfie Home: Parenting – Part 1

Of great importance, in every home, is the box in which the tools of parenting are stored. In this half-hour, Ron Moore equips us with a biblical container that not only holds those tools but also instructs us in their use.

For Such a Time as This

For Such a Time as This

Mothers, if you had to pick a role model who would it be?  Your mom? Your grandmother?  A woman in the king’s harem?  Did you recoil at that one?  Well, then you missed a role model for the ages. Today, Ron Moore interrupts his Unselfie Series to share her story and...

Living Wisely

Living Wisely

Parenting is a fearful thing. We have children when we are the least experienced in raising them. But, thanks be to God, there is another fear that can lessen our fear of parenting. Today, Ron Moore explains that fear and the great wisdom it brings. Listen and become...

Family Devotions

Family Devotions

I write to parents with children at home. Singles, married without children, empty-nesters - don't misunderstand, you are important too. But for this post, allow me to narrow the audience. And don't stop reading. Singles and married without children, my words may soon...

Using MATE for Your Future Mate

Using MATE for Your Future Mate

I believe far too many young men and women enter the dating game with no real plan. This leaves them open to move forward in a relationship based on immediate emotions. Too often they find themselves involved before they take a hard look at the person with whom they...

These Are The Best of Times

These Are The Best of Times

Parents are exhausted these days.  Life is busy.  Let me share with you an experience I had when our kids were younger… I had been moaning about how busy things were. My job. The new baby. Soccer, softball, and baseball practices and games. School stuff. Yard work....

A Personal Blind Spot Confession

A Personal Blind Spot Confession

I have coached a variety of recreational sports in my community. I hate to admit it, but for many years I was a downright jerk. Now, years removed from my coaching “jerkiness,” it’s hard to believe that I took winning so seriously. But I did. Several of us coaches...



What does it mean to be a whole person in action and thought? Then, how can we encourage that wholeness, that integrity, in our children? We'll tackle this vital issue on today's program.



In a world increasingly angry how can we instill a sense of empathy in our children?  Moreover, what will that look like in their lives? Today we'll share practical guidance that will mold merciful children for a merciless world.



What do parents do that unintentionally produces dishonesty in children?  And how can we demonstrate and teach honesty so that it becomes an enduring part of our son’s and daughter’s character? Let's explore this fundamental virtue.

Responsibility – Part 2

Responsibility – Part 2

It is in the commonplace obligations of life that we, and our children, prove our trustworthiness to handle the weightier things.  So what are those responsibilities and how can we reliably imprint them on our children? Join us for the outline of the basics of...

Responsibility – Part 1

Responsibility – Part 1

Teaching your children self-control, in every area of life, is a frustrating and fearful endeavor.  How do you know if you’re doing it right? We'll share guideposts and guidance on this vital topic.

Past Devo Series