Daily Devotion


Real Life

Past Devo Series

A Story About Two Men

A Story About Two Men

Two men decided to build a house. Both dreamed of a room where their family would meet and watch movies, eat popcorn, play games, and have real family conversations in front of a blazing fire. With their wives they planned the kitchen—counter space, storage space,...

Start Digging

Start Digging

When my family moved to Pittsburgh in 1989, one of the first men I met was Al.  Although twenty-five years my elder, we became friends. When our church went through a rocky time, Al and I became even closer commiserating over coffee at McDonald’s. Al had owned a...

The Land of Conflict

The Land of Conflict

If you are alive, sooner or later, you will run into the buzz saw of conflict. Some people visit the land of conflict occasionally. Others seem to make the land of conflict their permanent residence. Let’s begin with a biblical foundation. What does the Bible say...

Voices of Opposition

Voices of Opposition

Everyone hears voices … voices trapped in our mind…voices of criticism…voices of ridicule…voices aimed to hurt. The voices you hear may have come from the lips of a parent, teacher, coach, spouse, child or friend. These voices spring from our memory when we least...

Purposed for Prudence

Purposed for Prudence

Some time ago, I was emailed a page of "wise sayings" ... Well, sort of. A first grade teacher collected them over the years. She gave her classes part of an old "proverb" and let them fill in the rest. Following are some I thought you might enjoy. Remember these are...

Who’s Your Mickey Ripley?

Who’s Your Mickey Ripley?

A text from my son Garrison was the first thing I saw when I turned off the alarm on my phone. Garrison is an avid Oklahoma Sooner football fan and receives all the OU news. The press release he sent me that morning, announced that Mickey Ripley, a former OU...

Wanted: Pioneers

Wanted: Pioneers

Imagine this scene. It is windy and hot with the temperature close to 100 degrees. There is the sound of horses and wagon wheels and loud voices of impatient men. The air is filled with dust and anticipation. All has been left behind for this once in a lifetime...

Standing for Traditional Marriage

Standing for Traditional Marriage

In the past, the Supreme Court has heard arguments for and against changing the definition of marriage. Christian cannot be silent on this issue. Here are five arguments for traditional marriage from God’s Word.   God’s Design of the Body God formed the man from...

He Is There!

He Is There!

Eleven men sat in a darkened room.  There had been twelve. Now one was dead. Along with darkness was a mixture of hopelessness and confusion.  Jesus had promised so much. He had performed so often. His words were so certain. But now . . . now all the promises,...

So Costly

So Costly

When Jesus cried out from the cross, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” He was not asking, “Why have you left me forever?” Jesus knew He was leaving the world and going to the Father (John 14:28, 16:10, 17). Jesus was not rejecting God. He repeats, “My God.”...

Defining Moments

Defining Moments

Life is full of defining moments. Events take place and decisions are made that literally change the course of our lives. Sometimes these defining moments are uninvited. With battering ram force, they barge into our lives and leave us dealing with sickness, divorce,...

Till Death Do Us Part

Till Death Do Us Part

At what point in the Christian life should you anticipate taming the sinful nature? How long should you expect to struggle with doing what’s right in God’s eyes? On today’s program, Ron Moore looks at that issue and offers an expiration-date for the “old-man’s” power...

Past Devo Series