Daily Devotion


Real Life

Past Devo Series

Living with the Consequences of Sin

Living with the Consequences of Sin

When God has forgiven our sin, thrown them into the depths of the sea and remembered them no more, we’re off the hook…right? Well, not necessarily. As Ron Moore is about to share, the waves of spiritual guilt may have been stilled but the ripples in our external life...

The Principles of True Repentance – Part 2

The Principles of True Repentance – Part 2

What are the signs that our repentance is complete? What will we feel and how will we think? That’s Ron Moore’s focus on today’s program. Join him and rejoice in God’s healing renewal.

The Principles of True Repentance – Part 1

The Principles of True Repentance – Part 1

You’ve sinned…perhaps greatly. Now, you want the joy of your salvation restored…but how? Ron Moore shares the key ingredients to finding renewed fellowship with God.

The Need for Nathans

The Need for Nathans

How do we reconcile the Lord’s warning to “Judge not lest you be judged” with His command: “If anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one?” Ron Moore explores that sensitive issue through the life of King David.

The Classic Pattern of Disobedience

The Classic Pattern of Disobedience

What are the steps we take when setting off on a journey into sin?  And, once on our way, what trespassing side-trips will be necessary to insure our desired destination? Ron Moore looks at sin’s itinerary and the often ignored consequences that wait at journey’s...

What is Sin Anyway?

What is Sin Anyway?

We sin.  And while that’s not news, it is often perplexing.  We wonder why we continue to do the things we’ve resolved not to do.  So, what is this thing called sin and why is it here in the first place? To explore that vital issue Ron Moore asks and answers six...

Grace Given, Grace Received

Grace Given, Grace Received

It’s the attribute of God that banishes fear and invites us to enjoy Him forever.  Absent it, we’re lost without hope. But, as Ron Moore is about to share, through this sole characteristic, today we can be found and kept safe for infinite tomorrows.

When God says NO

When God says NO

Have you laid a dream to rest?  A dream that occupied your heart and mind for years?  One that inspired you and helped you face each day? Ron Moore talks about what’s next and the new dream that’s greater than the first.

The Joy of Loving God – Part 2

The Joy of Loving God – Part 2

Worship is best offered with feeling.  So what do your feelings toward God, and the expression of those emotions, say about the condition of your heart? On today’s program, Ron Moore answers that question. Listen for insight into your spiritual health.

The Joy of Loving God – Part 1

The Joy of Loving God – Part 1

How much do you love God and how do you show it? What about when God doesn’t act the way you want Him to…what do you do then? Ron Moore examines a circumstance like that from the life of King David.

Winning at Work, Losing at Home

Winning at Work, Losing at Home

What if you gained the world of business and career but lost your family?  Would that count as success or failure? Well, as Ron Moore is about to teach us, from the life of King David, you can be praised for victory in the workplace, but be unable to enjoy it because...

The Tenderizing Process of Waiting

The Tenderizing Process of Waiting

We like to “do” stuff.  We want to go places and make things happen…even in our spiritual life. And we want God to keep to our schedule. So, in this half-hour, Ron Moore will show us how patience can be the surest route to our spiritual goals.

Past Devo Series